ArranzCNL / ImprovedCameraSE

First Person Mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
MIT License
216 stars 38 forks source link

Stopped working after an update of mods #51

Closed Hero2500 closed 1 year ago

Hero2500 commented 2 years ago

It was working until recently but when I updated some of my mods not skyrim,(v1.6.353) the mod stopped working, when I launch the game and load in, nothing shows, the menu of the mod works but no body in 1st person. Is there any incompatible mods causing this?

TwistedModding commented 2 years ago

can you post your improved camera log?

Hero2500 commented 2 years ago

where do I find the log?

TwistedModding commented 2 years ago

Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\ImprovedCameraSE.log

Hero2500 commented 2 years ago

Here's the log

Improved Camera AE v1.0.0 [12/11/22 22:23:06] FileSystem Loading... [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ApplicationPath: Z:\Games\TES - Skyrim - Anniversary Edition\ [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_PluginPath: Z:\Games\TES - Skyrim - Anniversary Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ [12/11/22 22:23:06] ConfigSystem Loading... [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ConfigPath: Z:\Games\TES - Skyrim - Anniversary Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ImprovedCameraAE\ [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ConfigName: ImprovedCameraAE.ini [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ConfigFile: Z:\Games\TES - Skyrim - Anniversary Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ImprovedCameraAE\ImprovedCameraAE.ini [12/11/22 22:23:06] ReadSettings(): OK [12/11/22 22:23:06] ConfigSystem Loaded. [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ApplicationVersion: 1.6.353.0 [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ApplicationBaseAddress: 0x00007FF643C00000 [12/11/22 22:23:06] m_ApplicationImageSize: 0x00000000037A3000 [12/11/22 22:23:06] FileSystem Loaded. [12/11/22 22:23:06] Checking for compatibility issues... [12/11/22 22:23:06] TrueDirectionalMovement v2.2.2.0 detected. [12/11/22 22:23:06] Finished checking for compatibility issues. [12/11/22 22:25:11] WindowSystem Loading... [12/11/22 22:25:11] Skyrim Special Edition [12/11/22 22:25:12] m_pApplicationWindow.handle: 0x0000000002C706BC [12/11/22 22:25:12] m_pApplicationWindow.width: 1920 [12/11/22 22:25:12] m_pApplicationWindow.height: 1080 [12/11/22 22:25:12] m_pApplicationWindow.posX: 0 [12/11/22 22:25:12] m_pApplicationWindow.posY: 0 [12/11/22 22:25:12] D3D11System Loading... [12/11/22 22:25:12] Dirty Loader Found: ENBSeries v0.4.7.5 (d3d11.dll) [12/11/22 22:25:12] Dirty Loader Found: ReShade v5.4.2.1604 (dxgi.dll) [12/11/22 22:25:13] DirectX WindowHandle: 0x0000000002C706BC [12/11/22 22:25:13] UIMenu Loading... [12/11/22 22:25:13] m_ImGuiFile: Z:\Games\TES - Skyrim - Anniversary Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ImprovedCameraAE\editorconfig.ini [12/11/22 22:25:13] customFont: Z:\Games\TES - Skyrim - Anniversary Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ImprovedCameraAE\Fonts\OpenSans\OpenSans-Regular.ttf [12/11/22 22:25:13] fontSize: 18.0 [12/11/22 22:25:13] m_MenuKey: 0x24 [12/11/22 22:25:13] UIMenu Loaded. [12/11/22 22:25:13] MH_CreateHook: [IDXGISwapChain] Present [12/11/22 22:25:13] D3D11System Loaded. [12/11/22 22:25:13] Skyrim Special Edition: Successfully subclassed main window [12/11/22 22:25:13] WindowSystem Loaded. [12/11/22 22:25:13] DInputSystem Loading... [12/11/22 22:25:13] MH_CreateHook: [IDirectInputDevice8] GetDeviceState [12/11/22 22:25:13] MH_CreateHook: [IDirectInputDevice8] GetDeviceData [12/11/22 22:25:13] DInputSystem Loaded.

TwistedModding commented 2 years ago

can you also post your ini settings?

Hero2500 commented 2 years ago


[MODULE DATA] ; Application name along with version(s) supported ApplicationName=SkyrimSE.exe ApplicationMinVersion=1.6.318.0 ApplicationMaxVersion=1.6.999.0

; Application window name WindowName=Skyrim Special Edition

; Performs an internal check on problematic plugins and will try to fix itself CheckCompatibility=1

; Hook for DirectInput to stop keys and mouse being processed whilst Internal Menu is displayed (MenuMode=2) ; 0: Disabled ; 1: Block Keys and Mouse HookInput=1

; Menu load style ; 0: Disabled - No menu loaded ; 1: External - Creates a window (glass effect) over the application (not recommended if using Fullscreen) ; 2: Internal - Embeds into the application MenuMode=2

; Timeout to stop searching for the above WindowName in seconds MenuTimeout=120

; Key modifier to open the menu, 0x24 is Home. Note: You need to hold down Left Shift before pressing the key MenuKey=0x24

; Custom font, you can also use fonts from: "C:\Windows\Fonts\" ie MenuFont=micross.ttf (Don't include folder path) MenuFont=OpenSans\OpenSans-Regular.ttf

; Custom font size MenuFontSize=18.0

[GENERAL] ; Enables a visible body when in first person bEnableBody=1

; Enables a visible body when the console is open bEnableBodyConsole=0

; Enables shadows on the player when in first person bEnableShadows=1

; Adjusts the first person camera height to match your character's race scale bAdjustPlayerScale=1

; Moves the body in first person to adjust the camera height fBodyHeightOffset=0.000000

; Enables the head node when in first person (may make hair visible) bEnableHead=1 bEnableHeadHorse=1 bEnableHeadDragon=1 bEnableHeadWerewolf=0 bEnableHeadVampireLord=0 bEnableHeadScripted=0

; Enables third person arms when in first person bEnableThirdPersonArms=0 bEnableThirdPersonArmsBow=0 bEnableThirdPersonArmsBowAim=0

[HIDE] ; Settings to hide weapons on back when in first person to prevent camera clipping bHide2HWeapon=0 bHideBow=0 bHideQuiver=0

; Settings for hiding the body bHideBodySitting=0 bHideBodySleeping=0 bHideBodyJumping=0 bHideBodySwimming=0 bHideBodySneakRoll=1 bHideBodyAttack=0 bHideBodyPowerAttack=0 bHideBodyAttackBow=0 bHideBodyKillmove=0

[FIXES] ; Holding the SwitchPOV key down while on a mount and moving the mouse changes the camera distance ; This the the minimum distance to detect if player is just tapping the SwitchPOV key fSwitchPOVDetectDistance=0.030000

; Enables smooth animation transitions but also adds inertia when moving bSmoothAnimationTransitions=0

; Used to set the amount of inertia, above needs to be enabled for fControllerBuffer1st to work fControllerBuffer1st=0.010000 fControllerBuffer3rd=0.020000

[RESTRICT ANGLES] ; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right whilst sitting ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Default: 90 (150 on cartride!) fSittingRestrictAngle=80.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look up while sitting ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 70 fSittingMaxLookingUp=45.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look down while sitting ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 40 fSittingMaxLookingDown=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right on horseback ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Default: 120 fMountedRestrictAngle=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look up during mounted combat ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 70 fMountedMaxLookingUp=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look down during mounted combat ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 30 fMountedMaxLookingDown=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right while dragon riding ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Default: 120 fFlyingRestrictAngle=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look up while dragon riding ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 70 fFlyingMaxLookingUp=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look down while dragon riding ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 70 fFlyingMaxLookingDown=70.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right for werewolf ; Valid values between 0 and 180, Default: 120 fWerewolfRestrictAngle=80.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right for vampirelord ; Valid values between 0 and 180, Default: 120 fVampireLordRestrictAngle=80.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right for necrolich ; Valid values between 0 and 180, Default: 120 fNecroLichRestrictAngle=80.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look left/right for scripted forced third person ; Valid values between 0 and 180, Default: 120 fScriptedRestrictAngle=50.000000

; Sets the maximum angle you can look up/down for scripted forced third person ; Valid values between 0 and 90, Game Default: 90 fScriptedRestrictPitch=50.000000

[EVENTS] ; Enables first person during events where the game normally switches to third person bEventFirstPerson=1 bEventFurniture=1 bEventCrafting=1 bEventKillmove=1 bEventRagdoll=1 bEventDeath=1 bEventCannibal=1 bEventHorse=1 bEventHorseCombat=1 bEventHorseTransition=1 bEventDragon=1 bEventDragonCombat=1 bEventDragonTransition=1 bEventWerewolf=1 bEventVampireLord=1 bEventTransform=1 bEventNecroLich=1 bEventScripted=1 bEventThirdPerson=1

[FOV] ; Enables settings for changing fov bEnableFOVOverride=1

; Settings for changing fov fFOVFirstPerson=75.000000 fFOVFirstPersonHands=90.000000 fFOVCombat=80.000000 fFOVFurniture=80.000000 fFOVCrafting=80.000000 fFOVKillmove=80.000000 fFOVRagdoll=80.000000 fFOVDeath=80.000000 fFOVCannibal=80.000000 fFOVHorse=80.000000 fFOVHorseCombat=80.000000 fFOVHorseTransition=80.000000 fFOVDragon=80.000000 fFOVDragonCombat=80.000000 fFOVDragonTransition=80.000000 fFOVWerewolf=80.000000 fFOVVampireLord=80.000000 fFOVNecroLich=80.000000 fFOVScripted=75.000000 fFOVThirdPerson=80.000000

[NEARDISTANCE] ; Enable settings for changing fNearDistance bEnableNearDistanceOverride=1

; Settings for changing fNearDistance ; Pitch Threshold for changing the fNearDistance automatically fNearDistancePitchThreshold=-69.000000

; Reduce fNearDistance when Pitch Threshold is met fNearDistanceFirstPerson=4.000000 ; The following are independent from the Threshold fNearDistanceSitting=15.000000 fNearDistanceFurniture=4.000000 fNearDistanceCrafting=4.000000 fNearDistanceKillmove=4.000000 fNearDistanceRagdoll=4.000000 fNearDistanceDeath=4.000000 fNearDistanceCannibal=4.000000 fNearDistanceHorse=15.000000 fNearDistanceHorseCombat=15.000000 fNearDistanceHorseTransition=2.000000 fNearDistanceDragon=15.000000 fNearDistanceDragonCombat=15.000000 fNearDistanceDragonTransition=2.000000 fNearDistanceWerewolf=15.000000 fNearDistanceVampireLord=15.000000 fNearDistanceNecroLich=15.000000 fNearDistanceScripted=2.000000 fNearDistanceThirdPerson=15.000000

[HEADBOB] ; Enables the head bob when in first person ; Position setting match the camera to head position. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled ; Note: This overrides the camera position and may not be as compatible with some animations bEnableHeadBobPositionIdle=0 bEnableHeadBobPositionWalk=0 bEnableHeadBobPositionRun=0 bEnableHeadBobPositionSprint=0 bEnableHeadBobPositionCombat=0 bEnableHeadBobPositionSneak=0 bEnableHeadBobPositionSneakRoll=0

; Rotation settings match camera rotation to head rotation ; Valid values between 0.0 and 1.0 controlling the amount of rotation fHeadBobRotationIdle=0.000000 fHeadBobRotationWalk=0.000000 fHeadBobRotationRun=0.000000 fHeadBobRotationSprint=0.000000 fHeadBobRotationCombat=0.000000 fHeadBobRotationSneak=0.000000 fHeadBobRotationSneakRoll=0.000000

[CAMERA] ; Sets camera position relative to the head node ; Note: Only moves the camera if head bob is enabled, otherwise moves the body fCameraPosX=0.000000 fCameraPosY=19.000000 fCameraPosZ=5.000000

; Sets the camera position for horse riding fHorseCameraPosX=0.000000 fHorseCameraPosY=19.000000 fHorseCameraPosZ=5.000000

; Sets the camera position for horse riding combat fHorseCombatCameraPosX=0.000000 fHorseCombatCameraPosY=19.000000 fHorseCombatCameraPosZ=5.000000

; Sets the camera position for dragon riding fDragonCameraPosX=0.000000 fDragonCameraPosY=19.000000 fDragonCameraPosZ=5.000000

; Sets the camera position for vampirelord fVampireLordCameraPosX=0.000000 fVampireLordCameraPosY=15.000000 fVampireLordCameraPosZ=7.000000

; Sets the camera position for werewolf fWerewolfCameraPosX=0.000000 fWerewolfCameraPosY=85.000000 fWerewolfCameraPosZ=0.000000

; Sets the camera position for necrolich fNecroLichCameraPosX=2.000000 fNecroLichCameraPosY=27.000000 fNecroLichCameraPosZ=15.000000

; Sets the camera position for scripted forced third person fScriptedCameraPosX=0.000000 fScriptedCameraPosY=0.000000 fScriptedCameraPosZ=9.000000