ArrogantGao / OptimalBranching.jl

Automated Discovery of Optimal Branching Rules for the Branch-and-bound algorithm
MIT License
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Fixed the counting problem #9

Closed ArrogantGao closed 15 hours ago

ArrogantGao commented 1 day ago

A few fix:

  1. in previous version, the reducer and results type is not properly delivered, I think in reduce_and_branch, reducer and results_type should not be key word arguments. (I only fixed the error but did not changed the interface)
  2. MISCount now is only used by mis1 mis2 and xiao2013, I defined MaxSize and MaxSizeBranchCount in Core and changed the algebra in reduce_and_branch.
  3. I change the apply_branch function to return resulting problem only, and add a apply_branch_gain to give both the problem and the gain.
codecov-commenter commented 1 day ago

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GiggleLiu commented 1 day ago

fix #8 fix #7

ArrogantGao commented 20 hours ago

I removed the key words agruements in reduce_and_bound(), and I revomed the apply_branch_gain().

ArrogantGao commented 17 hours ago

User interfaces added. I added two functions mis_size and mis_branch_count. One can simply input a AbstractGraph into them and get the results, without the need to set anything manually.

ArrogantGao commented 16 hours ago

Tests has been added to enhance the codecov rate