Arrowstar / ksptot

KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool
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Cannot extract manoeuvers (I think?) on Mac OS X #15

Closed domq closed 5 years ago

domq commented 5 years ago

I have Matlab R2018a and by hook or by crook I managed to rebuild the app. The porkchop plot works fine; however, whenever I attempt to extract manoeuver vectors from that (either from the main screen, or from the multi-flyby screen) I get the following stack trace:

Index exceeds array bounds.

Error in doApplyProj (line 23)

Error in applyProjection (line 13)

Error in lambert (line 29)

Error in findOptimalDepartureArrivalObjFunc (line 13)

(output truncated)

I truncated at the first line that differs between both situations i.e. when attempting to extract from the multi-flyby screen I would get instead

Error in getMultiFlybyXferOrbits (line 41)
domq commented 5 years ago

I forgot to first thank you for your work.

More info:

Arrowstar commented 5 years ago

Since they say I cannot possibly be using the lambert function out of any .mexw64 files, I am guessing the lambert function out of Matlab is being used. Perhaps the Matlab one is incompatible with the expectations of KSPTOT? (Again, just guessing)

Hey there, sorry for the delay. Anyway, this is exactly what is going on. You'll need to recompile the lambert solver mex files for OSX before you can continue. How much experience do you have with MATLAB? Is this something you think you could figure out on your own?