CREATE TABLE mastodon (
value TEXT
) WITH (
connector = 'sse',
format = 'raw_string',
endpoint = '',
events = 'update'
SELECT extract_json(value, '$.tags[*].name') AS tags
FROM mastodon)
WHERE tags != '[]'
2024-03-31T18:00:41.790792Z ERROR arroyo_server_common: panicked at crates/arroyo-worker/src/arrow/
should be able to compute batch: ArrowError(InvalidArgumentError("Invalid comparison operation: List(Field { name: \"item\", data_type: Utf8, nullable: true, dict_id: 0, dict_is_ordered: false, metadata: {} }) != List(Field { name: \"item\", data_type: Utf8, nullable: true, dict_id: 0, dict_is_ordered: false, metadata: {} })"), None) panic.file="crates/arroyo-worker/src/arrow/" panic.line=90 panic.column=31
We also get a failure comparing it with [], so this seems to be a general problem with comparing lists.
This query causes a failure at runtime
We also get a failure comparing it with
, so this seems to be a general problem with comparing lists.