ArsenAbazian / CryptoTradingFramework

A self hosted, cryptocurrency trading bot and framework supporting multiple exchanges with GUI
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Why are you using devexpress? #19

Open overstartup opened 2 years ago

overstartup commented 2 years ago

Hi Arsen, I would like to appreciate your effort. But i have problem with devexpress. Why you don't use basic .net controls? i think it will be great help to use this application.

Please if it possibly changes the UI to simple controls.

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago


Unfortunately, it is almost impossible. Standard controls lack lots of functionality and it takes too much time for me to write such UI controls (for example charts). Honesty, I was able to create such an application only because I used DevExpress WinForms controls. I was concentrated on application logic and not on implementing UI features. Now I thinking to write a 'strategy visual editor' which will be based on XtraDiagramControl. Think how much time I spend writing such a control? I believe it takes much less time to learn DevExpress WinForms.

Also on my 4k monitor standard controls (for example DataGridView) works very slowly (rendering). DevExpress WinForms Controls used Direct2D for hardware rendering which is much faster. Also, devexpress controls look sharp on my screen. I cannot say the same about standard controls (they look blurry).

Thanks, Arsen.

overstartup commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much Arsen , I will try to solve the issues to run it. It seems has problems with recognizing devexperess packages.

But I totally agree with you about the controls.

overstartup commented 2 years ago

Hi Arsen, I tried to run it, unfortunately it has errors in get packages. I don't know how it could be solved.

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you please post here the screenshot demonstrating the issue you experience? devenv_JQgoDwMf0w Here is how looks referenced assemblies section on my side. project reference correct assemblies whis was installed via devexpress trial installation.

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago

For now, you can download devexpress trial installation and use it for 30 days for free. Just download and install it. and then open solution and use devexpress project converter to use the latest installed dlls. Here is the link to the 30 days trial installation.

overstartup commented 2 years ago

Well, 1- i have downloaded devexpress 2- updated the project image


3-slution errors image

I tried to update and get packages from nuggets, but i seems doesn't recognize any packages.

If you have time and like to check it in my local pc, please let me know to contact you.

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago

Hi, wow ), I see from your screenshot that even standard system assemblies not correctly referenced on your side. I am on vacation now,here the internet does not allow normal remote working. I even cannot download from github my project to build it from scratch and check if something can go wrong. For now, please check the project settings->application page. this project target to 4.6.1 .net framework. image

image Please check this page if it is correct on your side. And I see that Crypto.Core is normally referenced in your project. Were you able to compile it?

overstartup commented 2 years ago

Hi, enjoy your vocation :) yes, the core compiled, but it had issue with"Tinkoff.Trading.OpenApi" . But it just needed to install it. this project target is 4.6.1 .net framework.

CryptoClientBlazor has imported wrong project, it supposed to import crypto.core instead of

it seems the issue with cef.redist.x64 package.

xyong6024 commented 2 years ago

about cef.redist.x64 package, install CefSharp.Common ,Version must be 71.0.2

overstartup commented 2 years ago

about cef.redist.x64 package, install CefSharp.Common ,Version must be 71.0.2

That helped, it solved the issue. thanks.

there was another issue, the Tinkoff class was excluded, and it is using in StockMarketsGapScaner.

xyong6024 commented 2 years ago

my question is about Tinkoff not found 严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态 错误 CS0234 命名空间“Crypto.Core.Exchanges”中不存在类型或命名空间名“Tinkoff”(是否缺少程序集引用?) StockMarketsGapScaner D:\项目源码\numcoin\CryptoTradingFramework2\StockMarketsGapScaner\Program.cs 12 活动

![Uploading image.png…]()

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago

Guys, you can remove this module from the project. It is not important and not relates to crypto. Just comment on any code related to it and remove files. I will try to do it on my side (if the network connection allows and commit changes).

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago

Also, you can exclude any blazor related projects from the solution.

ArsenAbazian commented 2 years ago

Hi, I updated the solution. I removed all components that did not relate to crypto, as well as Tinkoff. Also, I added the How To Install DevExpress Components article. Hope it helps.