Arsenal21 / stripe-payments

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Show variations as checkboxes #168

Open erommel opened 4 years ago

erommel commented 4 years ago

Described by one of the users here

Let´s say I want to sell online service for $69 and I want to offer my customers optional choices (order bump) at the additional cost. For example lifetime support for $19.

So far, I have been able to create product variations with radio buttons.

Problem is, the product variations are somewhat necessary to choose from, rather than being optional to choose from. It is not possible to deselect selected radio button. There always ends up one button being selected without the option to deselect it.

The way I see this can be implemented:

This can be implemented by adding new variations group option to display its variations as checkboxes. This way you would be able to create variations group named something like "Additional Services" and a single variation "Lifetime Support", which would be displayed as checkbox. Your customers then can tick it if they want this service.

Arsenal21 commented 4 years ago

Can't you make a new variation group in the product that has something like the following?

Lifetime Support Option1: None (with $0 price mod) Option2: Support Include (with $19 price mod)

The first option will be selected by default and they can optionally pick the 2nd option which will add the $19 cost to the transaction.

erommel commented 4 years ago

Yep, I offered him the same. But:

Sure, I can add another option as “none” with price tag 0. The problem is I that I want to offer more than 1 optional choices to choose from.

– Lifetime support – Unlimited revisions – 2 Days extra fast delivery

Right now, there is just an option to choose only one. If you would like to choose more than one, it is impossible.

It is still possible to achieve that by creating THREE variations groups:

Lifetime Support: O Yes O No

Unlimited revisions: O Yes O No

2 Days extra fast delivery O Yes O No

But it's not gonna look pretty.

Arsenal21 commented 4 years ago

okay I understand.