ArsenalRecon / Arsenal-Image-Mounter

Arsenal Image Mounter mounts the contents of disk images as complete disks in Microsoft Windows.
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A property file seems to be missing from the repo, aim_um.props. #25

Closed KaoDome closed 1 year ago

KaoDome commented 1 year ago

Hi, out of curiosity I checked out the source to have a better look at it and all, I'm way over my head here, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to see how pros do things and hopefully learn something in the process.

When opening the unmanaged source solution, ArsenalImageMounter.sln, Visual Studio complained about a couple of missing things, the WDK for starters and then some prop files that come from a previous product it seems, ImDisk. I located it and installed the required toolchains. Since the environment was already the current preview of VS2022 I settled for the latest WDK too (Windows 11 22H2's).

However, one prop file seems to be missing from the repo and I can't seem to be able to locate it, it is Arsenal-Image-Mounter\Unmanaged Source\aim_um.props required by at least aim_ll, aimapi and aimwrfltr. Was it a mishap? I didn't see it listed in the .gitignore file though.

Thanks for everything!

PS. There seems to be another one missing too, Arsenal-Image-Mounter\Unmanaged Source\aimwrfltr\aimwrfltr.props

LTRData commented 1 year ago

You are right, that file should have been included. I have included it in the repository now.

LTRData commented 1 year ago

...and fixed the other missing props file too now.