ArshiaDPG / Pigsteel-Fabric

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I whould rather have pigsteel ore instead of pigslag #6

Open gobbo96 opened 5 months ago

gobbo96 commented 5 months ago

yeah, to me it was way better as it was before, props for the quality of the art though, it's absolutely sick and all the new blocks are awesome, but it still, I re-started playing MC in 1.20.1 after a while and reinstalled your mod but noticed the ore was missing and instead you find the Slag... I very much prefer to see the ore around in a similar fashion to gold, seeing a full block of pigslag generating in the netherworld and popping off that way it's kind of unimmersive to me, I loved the mod adding the ore the way it did before and hoped for a version to re-introduce that. another idea would be to introduce Pigsteel veins where there's a concentration of pigsteel with a pigslag ore at the centre, that would be quite nice.

I also like the previous idea of it zombifying into regular iron, the idea of it being exposed to heat to be melted into iron it's kind of weird, I guess at some point you want to have a set of pig steel interchangeable with common iron, maybe slightly better than iron but worse than diamond, but yeah, for both blocks and equipment I would rather have it zombifying into common iron instead of zombified pig steel if outside of the nether and have to get it waxed like copper

ArshiaDPG commented 4 months ago

Hello! I'm glad you're enjoying the new features, well, except the ore :p The decision to replace the ore with porkslag was made mostly by me, it was more to unify any ore variants we'd have to make for compatibility with other mod's stone types. As well as making it easier to see from far away since unlike quartz, pigsteel has a much darker material which makes it harder to see.

However your critique is something I've heard a lot, despite us trying our best to make it fit into the nether. I don't know if simply reverting it back to an ore would be the best way, as it would once again make older worlds incompatible, which I never want to do unless it is a one time major overhaul, like the 2.0 update was. I'm also personally happy with how the block looks, but since the issue seems to be very common, I may introduce a built-in resourcepack to make the block back into pigsteel ore.

Regarding your idea for pigsteel veins, I've actually experimented with possible ways of adding pigsteel veins, but I've so far failed due to my limited knowledge on world generation. Who knows, I might figure something out in the future.

Also in regards to the block turning to iron, I really wanted to have some way of having it turn to iron through an in world interaction, but nothing I experimented with felt right. The main issue with zombification resulting in iron was that then there would need to be an equivalent block for the cut blocks, what would they turn into? Cut iron blocks don't exist, neither do refined iron blocks. I never intended to add the iron variants, as I felt it was too distant from what the mod was about. I understand you may not find my answers satisfying, but I hope you can understand that I did not make any of the decisions regarding this mod's mechanics lightly or without reason.

I'm sorry for rambling, thank you for writing to me with your concerns and critiques, I will take them under advisement. Feel free to respond if you feel you have anything to say about my answers.