Notify box at end of "Step-3 Compute shadows [UMEP]", waiting for user validation if process runned fine ("Shadow grid(s) successfully generated"), should not be mandatory.
Maybe it could be disabled with a (optional) Toolbox parameter, to give the possibility to run and finsih this step without user interaction...
Then it could also allow to run all the steps by launching global external scripts automatically, for example with different scenari corresponding to different parameters, without been stopped.
Notify box at end of "Step-3 Compute shadows [UMEP]", waiting for user validation if process runned fine ("Shadow grid(s) successfully generated"), should not be mandatory. Maybe it could be disabled with a (optional) Toolbox parameter, to give the possibility to run and finsih this step without user interaction... Then it could also allow to run all the steps by launching global external scripts automatically, for example with different scenari corresponding to different parameters, without been stopped.
Thanks for all the work for this plusgin! ;)