Art-of-WiFi / UniFi-API-client

A PHP API client class to interact with Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API
MIT License
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one controller - 2 sites #117

Closed christianguei closed 3 years ago

christianguei commented 3 years ago


Thanks for you awesome library again. I've a quick question for you, is it possible to use the same devices on 2 sites located physically at the same place ?

Site 1 : usg pro4, switch, 3 ap Site 2 : same devices

In order to manage 2 wifi hotspot configuration (coupon) Thanks

malle-pietje commented 3 years ago

You’re welcome! No, a UniFi device can only be managed within a single site. The only (messy) approach would be to spread the APs across two sites. Each AP will broadcast its SSIDs with the associated Guest Controls. Does mean you need almost 2x the APs and you create a lot of extra RF noise.

christianguei commented 3 years ago

Ok i see i've just managed to setup the second "site" and adopt an AP.

I've also set a coupon based auth for 2nd site but cannot go to hotspot manager, it always bring me back to the login page :( Do you have a solution ?

malle-pietje commented 3 years ago

I’m afraid this is outside of the scope of this repo. I know there are quite a lot of people with similar issues so I recommend you search the Ubiquiti forums.