Art-of-WiFi / UniFi-API-client

A PHP API client class to interact with Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API
MIT License
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changes in unifi API in 6.2.x #119

Closed kingcin closed 3 years ago

kingcin commented 3 years ago

Hello, api calls apprently changed in controller version 6.2.x (using 6.2.25)

I find out that in orde rto mae script workign correcly in all api calls beside login it is required to add

/proxy/network eg $BASEURL/proxy/network/api/s/$SITE/stat/device

and to login itsealf path is $BASEURL/api/auth/login

and it is also required to add in curl header Content-Type: application/json

kingcin commented 3 years ago

update :) it refers to cloud-key only

malle-pietje commented 3 years ago

Did you actually check what the latest version of the API client does? It should automatically adapt and use the new routes and request headers.

Please check this and report back with more details if you encounter an issue with the latest version of the client class.