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A single URI to identify unknown/anonymous artists #281

Open lklic opened 2 years ago

lklic commented 2 years ago

We should be able to identify all of these works in a search

lklic commented 2 years ago

@spykoulouris could you identify URI's used across institutions for anonymous artworks? This way we can try to materialize some FC/FRs for these.


mafragias commented 2 years ago

Note : this would be a postprocess implementation. Suggestion:

mafragias commented 2 years ago


aindlq commented 9 months ago

There are thousands such instances, currently they all are typed as E21_Person and even have a birth date.

Query to get them:

PREFIX crm: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?label {
  ?person a crm:E21_Person ;
          rdfs:label ?label .
  FILTER regex(?label, "school", "i")

Mostly stuff like "Anonymous, Italian School, Neapolitan, 19th century". It is not only in Frick data but also in ITatti, e.g

aindlq commented 9 months ago

I believe it is not valid to type these actors as persons and re-use URIs, because it means that the same "Anonymous, Italian School, 17th century" person created 4k artworks. This should be modeled differently.

Better query:

PREFIX crm: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX cfr: <>
SELECT ?person ?label (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) {
  ?person a crm:E21_Person ;
          rdfs:label ?label .
  FILTER regex(?label, "anonymous|school", "i") .
  ?person cfr:Artist_created_Work ?work .
GROUP BY ?person ?label


lklic commented 9 months ago

The objective would be to somehow identify them in a search, as this is a common research question, users want to be able to find artworks by unidentified artists.

How should we proceed with this to make sure that "Anonymous" shows up in the facets and we can search for them through structured search?

aindlq commented 9 months ago
  1. There are artworks without any associated person - 734847
  2. Then there are artworks with anonymous person somehow explicitly specified ~ 62327

When you say "artworks by unidentified artists" do you mean both or only explicit "anonymous" artists?

lklic commented 9 months ago

Explicitly by an anonymous artist, meaning that that the artist is unknown.

For artworks that don't have an associate person, this number seems a high, but we can expect that there will be may photographs representing built works and objects that are too old to have a specific actor associated with them.

I Tatti alone has 17k artworks that do not have a specific known artist, coming from our homeless paintings collection.