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Zeri Artist reconciliation #397

Open FrancescaMambelli opened 2 years ago

FrancescaMambelli commented 2 years ago

For some artists, e.g. “Recco Gaetano”, the metadata showed in the suggested matches box does not correspond to the data in the Getty record to which you are linked to if you click on “View at the Getty”. The first box for "Recco Gaetano" shows 1660 as his birth date and 1760 as his death date, while the Getty record says only "active in 1700."

WoArtK commented 2 years ago

looking deeper to the retrieved information from ULAN for this specific artist you may find, that the dates 1660 and 1760 are mapped as estimated start and estimated end respectively. So that's why those dates are retrieved in the suggested matches box. Attached you will find the record from ULAN exported rdf. image

link to download the rdf

FrancescaMambelli commented 2 years ago

I can't go back to the case and give futher comments as the Vocab tool is not reachable today. If I try to go to the page a get a 502 Bad Gatewy error. Are you working on it?

WoArtK commented 2 years ago

are you trying to connect to ?? it works for us and we aren't working on it for the moment


spykoulouris commented 2 years ago

I can't go back to the case and give futher comments as the Vocab tool is not reachable today. If I try to go to the page a get a 502 Bad Gatewy error. Are you working on it?

It has happened to me several times and I had to clean my cache and cookies. Not sure why that happens...

FrancescaMambelli commented 2 years ago

I'm using that link. I'll try to clean the cache ad Spyros suggests...

WoArtK commented 2 years ago

yes that happens sometimes when keycloak has created many different session and has kept many different cookies. After cleaning your cache it should work

FrancescaMambelli commented 2 years ago

OK, I can go in now. Since only we operators have to use Vocab tool, the important thing is to have understood that in the ULAN, when dates are not known, a 100-year life span is calculated. I found data strange in Birth and death dates in many other cases and wondered why...