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Mixing of E39_Actor, E53_Place and E22 #519

Open aindlq opened 7 months ago

aindlq commented 7 months ago

In Hertziana, ITatti, KHI, Marbrug data. P55_has_current_location points to Actors, which are institutions.

I guess what was meant is P50_has_current_keeper, strange that sometimes P50 is used together with P55 and they point to the same E39 instance.

Need proper investigation.

E.g in Hertziana there is E39 P2 "Builtwork Part". So there is some confusion between E39 E53 and E22.

Probably it is OK to have the same entity typed as E55 and E22. Some specific church is the place but also a building, even so I'm not sure that this makes sense, because there is P157i_provides_reference_space_for to connect Place to Object. From the CIDOC documentation:

The place where Lord Nelson died on H.M.S. Victory (E53) is at rest relative to H.M.S. Victory (E22). (Adkin, 2005)

But it is probably not OK for sure to say that church as a building and church as an institution are the same entity. Someone should correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Query to get problematic statements:

PREFIX crm: <>
SELECT ?work ?actor {
 ?actor a crm:E39_Actor .
 ?work crm:P55_has_current_location ?actor .
} LIMIT 100