Artelnics / opennn

OpenNN - Open Neural Networks Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Exception with Levenberg Algorithm #134

Closed alessandrobrando closed 3 years ago

alessandrobrando commented 3 years ago

When designing the training strategy with SSE as a loss method and LEVENBERG as an optimization method, VisualStudio returns the following exception:

MoveSmall8:: mov [rax], rcx ; write eight bytes to destination

How can I fix this?

Thank you.

GuillermoArtelnics commented 3 years ago

Hello alessandrobrando,

Have you been able to fix the issue?

alessandrobrando commented 3 years ago

not yet

jandres-artelnics commented 3 years ago

Hi @alessandrobrando it should be fixed now on dev branch.

Try it and if you still find the problem please open another issue.

Thank you for reporting the bug.