Artelnics / opennn

OpenNN - Open Neural Networks Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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performance_term.h not found #47

Closed MKesenheimer closed 5 years ago

MKesenheimer commented 5 years ago

The file performance_term.h was deleted in commit cf1736ce02ccad4d512b55011573848e5582b465, however the files final_solutions_error.h, independent_parameters_error.h, inverse_sum_squared_error.h, solutions_error.h rely on it.

mad-b commented 5 years ago

So, did anyone restored this file? Or, how to solve this issue? If I pull this and its .cpp file from before set-6 commit, it kinda build but with errors. If I let as is, the class in it is missed in other files. I suppose if one makes a clone of current state master branch it should at least build, right? Am I missing something ?

MathiasThor commented 5 years ago

is opennn not maintained any more? how can this remain a problem?

RoberLopez commented 5 years ago

Sorry about that. The PerformanceTerm class was old, now the code has been refactored and it does not include it.