ArtemGr / Sidekick

Dice and LFG bot for Discord.
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Savage Worlds Sidekick Cheat Sheet #253

Open perror opened 4 years ago

perror commented 4 years ago

I am trying to use Sidekick to play with Savage Worlds rules (see this summary of the rules. I think that most of the features are already present in Sidekick but I would like to ask for advices in order to improve the use of Sidekick (you know better than I do the feature of this server).

Action Cards

Here, everything is already present. This is nice.

player1> /r deal 1
@player1:  ๐Ÿƒ‡   7
player2> /r deal 1
@player2:  ๐ŸƒŸ   j  (<-- Joker)
game_master> /r shuffle


Feature request: What could improve a bit the command is to consider /r deal by default as /r deal 1.

Standard Dice Rolls

Here, things are a bit more complex! Unfortunately. Savage Worlds use explosive dice rolls, so we just have to use the ! on all dice roll. Now, a Success is reached when you reach a score which is higher than 3, and you count the number of Raises for each multiple of 4 that is reached.

So, something like this should work: /r d8! Then, you count the multiple of 4 you can reach with this score. I have tried to use /r d8>3! but, unfortunately, the way the Successes are counted is incompatible with the Savage Worlds rules. Indeed, according to SW rules, the exploding dice should be added and, then, divided by 4.

game_master> /r d8!
@game_master: d8! = (7) = 7
game_master> /r d8!
@game_master: d8!  = (8+7) = 15

Feature request: A command such as /r s8 (s for savage) which will count: success if result is more than 3, and the number of raises, could be helpful.

Joker Dice Rolls

Another die roll is the Joker's die roll (a specific type of characters, that include the players, that are superior to others characters with higher chance of success in their actions). Here, you have to add a Wild Die (1d6 by default) and consider both rolls as independent.

For now, I was using: /r d8!+d6! which was somehow satisfactory if you can interpret what you see.

player1> /r d8!+d6!
@player1: d8!+d6!  = (3)+(5) = 8 <-- Wild Die save us, it is a success!
player1> /r d8!+d6!
@player1: d8!+d6!  = (5)+(4) = 9 <-- Normal die made it through, it is a success!
player1> /r d8!+d6!
@player1: d8!+d6!  = (8+4)+(4) = 16 <-- Success with 2 Raises on normal die

Feature request: A command such as /r s8! which add a wild dice as described, would also help. Also, under certain circumstances, the wild die is not a d6 but another one. So, the command may need to be extended to /r s8!10 to roll d8! and d10!, take the max of both and count the number of raises from the maximum score.


Another aspect of SW are the bennies, but for this I simply count their number on a sheet of papers for each player...

References to other similar issues

217, #153, #135, #118, #100, #65


So, this is my current cheat sheet for using Sidekick with Savage Words. And, I really would like to know if there are ways to improve it. I may have missed some useful features that can ease the game. Any comment is welcome!