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NAudio not working #52

Open piechade opened 3 years ago

piechade commented 3 years ago

The NAudio solutions is directly crashing with my setup. The old audio driver with the fix from @Cheerpipe was the working.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Klasse nicht registriert

   at void System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(int errorCode)
   at void NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.InitializeCaptureDevice()
   at void NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.StartRecording()
   at void Artemis.Plugins.LayerEffects.AudioVisualization.Services.AudioVisualizationService.Activate()
   at int Artemis.Plugins.LayerEffects.AudioVisualization.Services.AudioVisualizationService.RegisterUse()
   at void Artemis.Plugins.LayerEffects.AudioVisualization.AudioVisualizationEffect.EnableLayerEffect()
   at void Artemis.Core.LayerEffects.LayerEffect<T>.InitializeProperties() in D:/a/1/s/Artemis/src/Artemis.Core/Plugins/LayerEffects/LayerEffect.cs:line 43
   at void Artemis.Core.LayerEffects.LayerEffect<T>.Initialize() in D:/a/1/s/Artemis/src/Artemis.Core/Plugins/LayerEffects/LayerEffect.cs:line 48
   at void Artemis.Core.LayerEffects.LayerEffectDescriptor.CreateInstance(RenderProfileElement renderElement, LayerEffectEntity entity) in D:/a/1/s/Artemis/src/Artemis.Core/Plugins/LayerEffects/LayerEffectDescriptor.cs:line 80
   at void Artemis.Core.RenderProfileElement.AddLayerEffect(LayerEffectDescriptor descriptor) in D:/a/1/s/Artemis/src/Artemis.Core/Models/Profile/RenderProfileElement.cs:line 244
   at async void Artemis.UI.Screens.ProfileEditor.LayerProperties.LayerEffects.EffectsViewModel.HandleSelectedLayerEffectChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)+(?) => { } in D:/a/1/s/Artemis/src/Artemis.UI/Screens/ProfileEditor/LayerProperties/LayerEffects/EffectsViewModel.cs:line 72
   at void System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowAsync(Exception exception, SynchronizationContext targetContext)+(object state) => { }
   at object System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, object args, int numArgs)
   at object System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(object source, Delegate callback, object args, int numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
Cheerpipe commented 3 years ago

Stupid Windows COM audio stuff

¿Did you completely remove previous plugin? ¿Are you using my playback volume plugin?


Could you try this? First be sure you first remove old Audio Visualization Plugin and Volume Playback Volume

piechade commented 3 years ago

I delete every plugin from the folder and create all with visual Studio from source. There shouldn't be old plugins inside.

Cheerpipe commented 3 years ago

If the new AudioPlugin don't works for you i can write a CSCore versión as alternative. In the meanwhile, you can still use the old AV plugin with my fix.

RobertBeekman commented 3 years ago

This seems to be caused by Sonic Studio. Related Aurora issue:

One solution is removing/closing Sonic Studio, another is providing a CSCore based alternative. The NAudio-based plugin should at the very least notify the user of the incompatiblity.

Cheerpipe commented 3 years ago Posible fix. Need someone to test

piechade commented 3 years ago Posible fix. Need someone to test

I wrote you that the fix was not working, but after a reboot it's looks like it was working. The issue with the Asus provider breaks the complete set and I can't test if it's nice starting with audio filter working at boot.

Cheerpipe commented 3 years ago

Well, at least we had some good news.

It should work well in the same way score version did.

piechade commented 3 years ago

Well, at least we had some good news.

It should work well in the same way score version did.

O no, today i get message from Sonic Studio that i need to reboot my computer. After this it was not working again. The issue is not in the latest installer, it's only in the last version that you get from the update server.