Artemis-RGB / Artemis

Provides advanced unified lighting across many different brands RGB peripherals
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No LEDS working - CM MasterKeys Pro L #203

Closed platcham closed 7 years ago

platcham commented 7 years ago


I cannot seem to get Artemis to work at all. Whenever I enable Artemis, my keyboard just goes dark and does not show any effect. I have tried this on both my desktop and laptop, with similar results. Below is my log file, which seems to be giving an error with the Lua wrapper, but I don't know if that's related or not.

Thanks for the help!

Here is my most recent error log:

2016-11-29 11:38:21.9176|FATAL|Artemis.Utilities.Logging|INFO: Set log level to Info 2016-11-29 11:38:22.1634|INFO|Artemis.Managers.DeviceManager|Intialized DeviceManager with 9 device providers 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8258|INFO|Artemis.Managers.EffectManager|Intialized EffectManager 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8258|INFO|Artemis.Managers.LoopManager|Intialized LoopManager 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8258|INFO|Artemis.Managers.ProfileManager|Intialized ProfileManager 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8368|INFO|Artemis.Utilities.DataReaders.PipeServer|Opened named pipe 'artemis' 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8368|INFO|Artemis.Managers.MainManager|Intialized MainManager 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8368|INFO|Artemis.Utilities.Updater|Update check enabled: True 2016-11-29 11:38:22.8368|INFO|Artemis.Managers.MainManager|Artemis version is ready! 2016-11-29 11:38:23.7271|INFO|Artemis.Utilities.Updater|Update check complete 2016-11-29 11:38:26.4089|ERROR|Artemis.Profiles.Lua.LuaWrapper|[Default-LUA]: Error: chunk_2:(1,0-4): unexpected symbol near 'true' MoonSharp.Interpreter.SyntaxErrorException: unexpected symbol near 'true' at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expression.PrefixExp(ScriptLoadingContext lcontext) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expression.PrimaryExp(ScriptLoadingContext lcontext) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Statement.CreateStatement(ScriptLoadingContext lcontext, Boolean& forceLast) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Statements.CompositeStatement..ctor(ScriptLoadingContext lcontext) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Statements.ChunkStatement..ctor(ScriptLoadingContext lcontext) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Fast_Interface.Loader_Fast.LoadChunk(Script script, SourceCode source, ByteCode bytecode) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.LoadString(String code, Table globalTable, String codeFriendlyName) at Artemis.Profiles.Lua.LuaWrapper.SetupLua(ProfileModel profileModel, KeyboardProvider keyboardProvider) 2016-11-29 11:38:26.7820|ERROR|Artemis.Profiles.Lua.LuaWrapper|[Visualizer duplicate-LUA]: Error: chunk_10:(26,8-87): cannot access field Color of userdata MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException: cannot access field Color of userdata at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.VM.Processor.ExecIndex(Instruction i, Int32 instructionPtr) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.VM.Processor.Processing_Loop(Int32 instructionPtr) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.VM.Processor.Call(DynValue function, DynValue[] args) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.DispatchEvent(Object sender, Object o01, Object o02, Object o03, Object o04, Object o05, Object o06, Object o07, Object o08, Object o09, Object o10, Object o11, Object o12, Object o13, Object o14, Object o15, Object o16) at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.b__2(Object o1, Object o2) at Artemis.Profiles.Lua.Events.LuaEventsWrapper.LuaInvoke(ProfileModel profileModel, Action action)

RobertBeekman commented 7 years ago

Hey, looks weird, the LUA wrapper might indeed be breaking it.

Could you try creating a new profile and just adding a layer that covers your entire keyboard and see if that lights it up?

platcham commented 7 years ago

No dice. Still just a dark keyboard. And now I'm not getting any errors in the error log.

Here's how I have the new layer set up. Anything weird here that could be tripping it up? capture

RobertBeekman commented 7 years ago

Hmm that's strange, do you have a different PC on hand on which you could try it?

platcham commented 7 years ago

Yep, I tried it with my laptop as well. Same results. It'll light up with its built in backlighting when plugged into the computer, but as soon as Artemis takes control of the keyboard, it goes completely dark.

RobertBeekman commented 7 years ago

Hmm that's weird, I tried the latest release and it works well for me. It might be worth installing Visual Studio C++ Redistibutable 2015 be sure to grab the x64 version
And Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 - 64 bit as well

Let me know if that helps :)

platcham commented 7 years ago

I'll try installing those when I get back from work.

Thanks for all the help by the way!

platcham commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, those did not help. I actually already had both installed, so I tried uninstalling and reinstalling them. Still a blank keyboard when any effects are enabled.

RobertBeekman commented 7 years ago

No problem, I hope we can figure it out :)

Could you try any of the custom effects here to see if they work?

platcham commented 7 years ago

I have solved the issue! Half of their examples worked, half didn't, which I thought was weird. Eventually I found out that I just needed to update the firmware on my keyboard to the latest version. Artemis now works as expected!

On a side note, I found that I experienced severe flickering with Artemis if any of the built in LED profiles were enabled. Setting a blank profile solved this issue.

Thanks for the support and the awesome program!

RobertBeekman commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks for reporting back! I'll put the firmware update/flickering thing in the FAQ :)