KNMI Data Platform provides Quality Controlled Rain Gauge Data.
We can read KNMI Data Platform with NLMOD and the Quality Controlled Rain Gauge Data with the FEWS reader in HydroPandas. I am not suggesting that we include this per se. But it could be a nice addition to the existing KNMI data. I could not find any metadata on the stations locations so that is a problem if we don't know the locations beforehand..
Example Script:
# %%
import nlmod
import as kdp
import pandas as pd
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from pathlib import Path
import pastastore as pst
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dataset_names = [
dataset_name_all = "waterboard_raingauge_quality_controlled_all_combined"
# %%
dataset_name = dataset_name_all
dataset_version = "1.0"
files = kdp.get_list_of_files(
# %%
dfiles = list(Path(dataset_name).glob("*.xml"))
tree = ET.parse(dfiles[0])
root = tree.getroot()
obsd = {}
for item in root:
if item.tag.endswith("series"):
header = {}
date = []
time = []
events = []
for subitem in item:
if subitem.tag.endswith("header"):
for subsubitem in subitem:
prop = subsubitem.tag.split("}")[-1]
val = subsubitem.text
if prop == "x" or prop == "y" or prop == "lat" or prop == "lon":
val = float(val)
header[prop] = val
elif subitem.tag.endswith("event"):
index = pd.to_datetime(
[d + " " + t for d, t in zip(date, time)], errors="coerce"
ts = pd.DataFrame(events, index=index)
obsd[header["locationId"]] = {"header": header, "series": ts}
KNMI Data Platform provides Quality Controlled Rain Gauge Data.
We can read KNMI Data Platform with NLMOD and the Quality Controlled Rain Gauge Data with the FEWS reader in HydroPandas. I am not suggesting that we include this per se. But it could be a nice addition to the existing KNMI data. I could not find any metadata on the stations locations so that is a problem if we don't know the locations beforehand..
Example Script: