ArtformGames / ResidenceList

List existing residence in server in a gui, and allow players to manage, teleport, and comment.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 1 forks source link

Support configurations for sever residence's icon. #53

Closed RICE0707 closed 1 day ago

RICE0707 commented 1 day ago


CarmJos commented 1 day ago


RICE0707 commented 1 day ago


經確認後,在 config 與 messages 都沒有看到相應的設置

CarmJos commented 1 day ago

请查看 条目哦。

RICE0707 commented 1 day ago

请查看 条目哦。

我這邊是重新讓插件生成新的 config , 但這個設置貌似不在預設的 config 當中

CarmJos commented 1 day ago

嗯.. 本插件的配置全部都是自动生成的诶,不应该会出现这个情况才对。方便吧整个config.yml 的gui部分贴一下吗?

RICE0707 commented 1 day ago

嗯.. 本插件的配置全部都是自动生成的诶,不应该会出现这个情况才对。方便吧整个config.yml 的gui部分贴一下吗?

debug: false

Statistics Settings

This option is used to help developers count plug-in versions and usage, and it will never affect performance and user experience.

Of course, you can also choose to turn it off here for this plugin,

or turn it off for all plugins in the configuration file under "plugins/bStats".

metrics: true

Check update settings

This option is used by the plug-in to determine whether to check for updates.

If you do not want the plug-in to check for updates and prompt you, you can choose to close.

Checking for updates is an asynchronous operation that will never affect performance and user experience.

check-update: true


Default residence status (Public / Private)

default-status: true letters-pre-line: 35 blocked-icon-types:

icon: info: material: GRASS_BLOCK name: '&7# &f%(name)' lore:

gui: open-sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP click-sound: UI_BUTTON_CLICK list: title: '&a&lResidence list &7(&f%(current_page)&7/%(total_page))' items: all: material: CHEST name: '&a&lAll residences' lore:

RICE0707 commented 1 day ago


        material: ENDER_EYE
        name: 'test'


CarmJos commented 1 day ago

怪... 目前不太清楚原因,可以尝试一下先自行添加一个 owner 和 server的物品配置条目修改吗?

CarmJos commented 1 day ago


        material: ENDER_EYE
        name: 'test'


猜测可能是和其他条目冲突了? 姑且先放弃这个问题吧(