Arthur151 / ROMP

Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People and their 3D positions & trajectories in camera & global coordinates. ROMP[ICCV21], BEV[CVPR22], TRACE[CVPR2023]
Apache License 2.0
1.35k stars 230 forks source link

Error in #270

Closed Harsh-Vavaiya closed 2 years ago

Harsh-Vavaiya commented 2 years ago

@gngdb @vivi90 @Arthur151 @vltmedia @ayedaemon

I'm getting error "AttributeError: module 'blenderpy' has no attribute 'app'" while importing blenderpy, I'm using in both linux and windows.

python=3.7 and have followed your guidelines to install it. please, help me ASAP.

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago

This error is the installation problem of bpy.

There are two reason that might cause this bug.

  1. didn't properly install the bpy, Please follow this instruction. Install via
    pip install /path/to/downloaded/bpy-2.91a0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl && bpy_post_install
  2. There might be some other python libs that share the same name as blenderpy. To avoid this, I recommand that you can create a new anaconda env with python 3.7 and install bpy as instruction above.

I think the bug could be well handled with the second step.

Harsh-Vavaiya commented 2 years ago

I'm using conda environment, as I said earlier, I've followed all the instructions word to word mentioned in the link you shared.

vivi90 commented 2 years ago


This error is the installation problem of bpy.

Exactly. Please use:

As an alternative way for testing you could open Blender and loading an slightly modified version of the script inside it:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG) is
# holder of all proprietary rights on this computer program.
# You can only use this computer program if you have closed
# a license agreement with MPG or you get the right to use the computer
# program from someone who is authorized to grant you that right.
# Any use of the computer program without a valid license is prohibited and
# liable to prosecution.
# Copyright©2019 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
# der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG). acting on behalf of its Max Planck Institute
# for Intelligent Systems. All rights reserved.
# Contact:
# Author: Joachim Tesch, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Perceiving Systems
# Create keyframed animated skinned SMPL mesh from .pkl pose description
# Generated mesh will be exported in FBX or glTF format
# Notes:
#  + Male and female gender models only
#  + Script can be run from command line or in Blender Editor (Text Editor>Run Script)
#  + Command line: Install mathutils module in your bpy virtualenv with 'pip install mathutils==2.81.2'

import os
import sys
import time
import argparse
import numpy as np
from math import radians

    import bpy
    print('Missing bpy, install via pip, please install bpy by yourself if failed.')
    os.system('pip install future-fstrings')
    os.system('pip install tools/bpy-2.82.1 && post_install')
    import bpy
    from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler
    os.system('pip install mathutils==2.81.2')
    from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler

# Globals
# Add your UNIX paths here!
male_model_path = 'E:/Projekte/romp-test3/SMPL_m_unityDoubleBlends_lbs_10_scale5_207_v1.0.0.fbx'
female_model_path = 'E:/Projekte/romp-test3/SMPL_f_unityDoubleBlends_lbs_10_scale5_207_v1.0.0.fbx'
character_model_path = None

python tools/ --input=/home/yusun/BEV_results/video_results.npz --output=/home/yusun/BEV_results/dance.fbx --gender=female

fps_source = 24
fps_target = 24

gender = 'female' #female

support_formats = ['.fbx', '.glb', '.bvh']

bone_name_from_index = {
    0 : 'Pelvis',
    1 : 'L_Hip',
    2 : 'R_Hip',
    3 : 'Spine1',
    4 : 'L_Knee',
    5 : 'R_Knee',
    6 : 'Spine2',
    7 : 'L_Ankle',
    8: 'R_Ankle',
    9: 'Spine3',
    10: 'L_Foot',
    11: 'R_Foot',
    12: 'Neck',
    13: 'L_Collar',
    14: 'R_Collar',
    15: 'Head',
    16: 'L_Shoulder',
    17: 'R_Shoulder',
    18: 'L_Elbow',
    19: 'R_Elbow',
    20: 'L_Wrist',
    21: 'R_Wrist',
    22: 'L_Hand',
    23: 'R_Hand'

# To use other avatar for animation, please define the corresponding 3D skeleton like this.
bone_name_from_index_character = {
    0 : 'Hips',
    1 : 'RightUpLeg',
    2 : 'LeftUpLeg',
    3 : 'Spine',
    4 : 'RightLeg',
    5 : 'LeftLeg',
    6 : 'Spine1',
    7 : 'RightFoot',
    8: 'LeftFoot',
    9: 'Spine2',
    10: 'LeftToeBase',
    11: 'RightToeBase',
    12: 'Neck',
    13: 'LeftHandIndex1',
    14: 'RightHandIndex1',
    15: 'Head',
    16: 'LeftShoulder',
    17: 'RightShoulder',
    18: 'LeftArm',
    19: 'RightArm',
    20: 'LeftForeArm',
    21: 'RightForeArm',
    22: 'LeftHand',
    23: 'RightHand'

# Helper functions

# Computes rotation matrix through Rodrigues formula as in cv2.Rodrigues
# Source: smpl/plugins/blender/
def Rodrigues(rotvec):
    theta = np.linalg.norm(rotvec)
    r = (rotvec/theta).reshape(3, 1) if theta > 0. else rotvec
    cost = np.cos(theta)
    mat = np.asarray([[0, -r[2], r[1]],
                      [r[2], 0, -r[0]],
                      [-r[1], r[0], 0]])
    return(cost*np.eye(3) + (1-cost)* + np.sin(theta)*mat)

# Setup scene
def setup_scene(model_path, fps_target):
    scene =['Scene']

    # Engine independent setup

    scene.render.fps = fps_target

    # Remove default cube
    if 'Cube' in['Cube'].select_set(True)

    # Import gender specific .fbx template file

# Process single pose into keyframed bone orientations
def process_pose(current_frame, pose, trans, pelvis_position):

    if pose.shape[0] == 72:
        rod_rots = pose.reshape(24, 3)
        rod_rots = pose.reshape(26, 3)

    mat_rots = [Rodrigues(rod_rot) for rod_rot in rod_rots]

    # Set the location of the Pelvis bone to the translation parameter
    armature =['Armature']
    bones = armature.pose.bones

    # Pelvis: X-Right, Y-Up, Z-Forward (Blender -Y)
    root_location = Vector(
        (100*trans[1], 100*trans[2], 100*trans[0])) - pelvis_position
    # Set absolute pelvis location relative to Pelvis bone head
    bones[bone_name_from_index[0]].location = root_location

    # bones['Root'].location = Vector(trans)
    bones[bone_name_from_index[0]].keyframe_insert('location', frame=current_frame)

    for index, mat_rot in enumerate(mat_rots, 0):
        if index >= 24:

        bone = bones[bone_name_from_index[index]]

        bone_rotation = Matrix(mat_rot).to_quaternion()
        quat_x_90_cw = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), radians(-90))
        #quat_x_n135_cw = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), radians(-135))
        #quat_x_p45_cw = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), radians(45))
        #quat_y_90_cw = Quaternion((0.0, 1.0, 0.0), radians(-90))
        quat_z_90_cw = Quaternion((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), radians(-90))

        if index == 0:
            # Rotate pelvis so that avatar stands upright and looks along negative Y avis
            bone.rotation_quaternion = (quat_x_90_cw @ quat_z_90_cw) @ bone_rotation
           bone.rotation_quaternion = bone_rotation

        bone.keyframe_insert('rotation_quaternion', frame=current_frame)


# Process all the poses from the pose file
def process_poses(

    print('Processing: ' + input_path)

    frame_results = np.load(input_path, allow_pickle=True)['results'][()]
    sequence_results = np.load(input_path, allow_pickle=True)['sequence_results'][()] 

    poses, trans = [], []

    if len(sequence_results)>0:
        subject_ids = list(sequence_results.keys())
        if subject_id == -1 or subject_id not in subject_ids:
            print('Get motion sequence with subject IDs:', subject_ids)
            subject_id = int(input('Please select one subject ID (int):'))
        poses = np.array(sequence_results[subject_id]['smpl_thetas'])
        trans = np.array(sequence_results[subject_id]['cam_trans'])
        print('Missing tracking IDs in results. Using the first pose results for animation.')
        print('To get the tracking IDs, please use temporal optimization during inference.')
        frame_names = sorted(list(frame_results.keys()))
        poses, trans = np.zeros((len(frame_names), 72)), np.zeros((len(frame_names), 3))
        for inds, frame_name in enumerate(frame_names):
            poses[inds] = frame_results[frame_name]['smpl_thetas'][0]
            trans[inds] = frame_results[frame_name]['cam_trans'][0]

    if gender == 'female':
        model_path = female_model_path
        for k,v in bone_name_from_index.items():
            bone_name_from_index[k] = 'f_avg_' + v
    elif gender == 'male':
        model_path = male_model_path
        for k,v in bone_name_from_index.items():
            bone_name_from_index[k] = 'm_avg_' + v
    elif gender == 'character':
        model_path = character_model_path
        for k, v in bone_name_from_index_character.items():
            bone_name_from_index[k] = 'mixamorig1:' + v
        print('ERROR: Unsupported gender: ' + gender)

    # Limit target fps to source fps
    if fps_target > fps_source:
        fps_target = fps_source

    print('Number of source poses: ',poses.shape[0])
    print('Source frames-per-second: ', fps_source)
    print('Target frames-per-second: ', fps_target)

    setup_scene(model_path, fps_target)

    scene =['Scene']
    sample_rate = int(fps_source/fps_target)
    scene.frame_end = (int)(poses.shape[0]/sample_rate)

    # Retrieve pelvis world position.
    # Unit is [cm] due to Armature scaling.
    # Need to make copy since reference will change when bone location is modified.
    armaturee =[0]
    ob =['Armature']
    armature =

    # get specific bone name 'Bone'
    pelvis_bone = armature.edit_bones[bone_name_from_index[0]]
    # pelvis_bone = armature.edit_bones['f_avg_Pelvis']
    pelvis_position = Vector(pelvis_bone.head)

    source_index = 0
    frame = 1

    offset = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    while source_index < poses.shape[0]:
        print('Adding pose: ' + str(source_index))

        # Go to new frame

        process_pose(frame, poses[source_index], (trans[source_index] - offset), pelvis_position)
        source_index += sample_rate
        frame += 1

    return frame

def rotate_armature(use):
    if use == True:
        # Switch to Pose Mode

        # Find the Armature & Bones
        ob =['Armature']
        armature =
        bones = armature.bones
        rootbone = bones[0]

        # Find the Root bone
        for bone in bones:
            if "f_avg_root" in
                rootbone = bone = True

        # Rotate the Root bone by 90 euler degrees on the Y axis. Set --rotate_Y=False if the rotation is not needed.
        bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=1.5708, orient_axis='Y', orient_type='GLOBAL', orient_matrix=((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)), orient_matrix_type='GLOBAL', constraint_axis=(False, True, False), mirror=True, use_proportional_edit=False, proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1, use_proportional_connected=False, use_proportional_projected=False, release_confirm=True)
        # Revert back to Object Mode

def export_animated_mesh(output_path, rotate_y):
    # Create output directory if needed
    output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path)
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
        os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # Fix Rotation

    # Select only skinned mesh and rig

    if output_path.endswith('.glb'):
        print('Exporting to glTF binary (.glb)')
        # Currently exporting without shape/pose shapes for smaller file sizes
        bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf(filepath=output_path, export_format='GLB', export_selected=True, export_morph=False)
    elif output_path.endswith('.fbx'):
        print('Exporting to FBX binary (.fbx)')
        bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath=output_path, use_selection=True, add_leaf_bones=False)
    elif output_path.endswith('.bvh'):
        bpy.ops.export_anim.bvh(filepath=output_path, root_transform_only=False)
        print('ERROR: Unsupported export format: ' + output_path)


input_path = 'E:/Projekte/romp-test3/video_results.npz'
output_path = 'E:/Projekte/romp-test3/result.fbx'
subject_id = 0 # -1
rotate_y = True

print('Input path: ' + input_path)
print('Output path: ' + output_path)

startTime = time.perf_counter()

# Process pose file
poses_processed = process_poses(
export_animated_mesh(output_path, rotate_y)

print('Animation export finished, save to ', output_path)
print('Poses processed: ', poses_processed)
print('Processing time : ', time.perf_counter() - startTime)

(Please edit lines 51, 52, 62, 308, 347, 348, 349 and 350 according to your needs.)

@Arthur151 Btw, in line 308 you see the bug, i mentioned at another issue: Needs to be:

if "f_avg_root" in


if "m_avg_root" in
vivi90 commented 2 years ago

@Harsh-Vavaiya Maybe it might also be worth to take a look at:

Harsh-Vavaiya commented 2 years ago

I'm trying that also.

Harsh-Vavaiya commented 2 years ago

@vivi90 I may sound like a noob, but can you please tell me that I'm going right as I'm not a regular user of the blender with scripting.

I've pasted your script in it,(above you shared) then changed the path, (I want a BVH file so, changed the extension in output_path) and pressed the play button.

am I right? If yes I'm getting the error at line number 273.