Arthur151 / ROMP

Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People and their 3D positions & trajectories in camera & global coordinates. ROMP[ICCV21], BEV[CVPR22], TRACE[CVPR2023]
Apache License 2.0
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simple_romp #415

Open lllllialois opened 1 year ago

lllllialois commented 1 year ago

What's the difference between romp and simple_romp? My understanding is: romp is a project with more complete functions, including data preprocessing, training, testing and other functions. simple_romp takes the inference function out of the package and focuses more on an inference function. And I have some questions。

  1. It looks as if simple_ro is packaged as a software package. If I just wanted to use romp for reasoning, I could use simple_romp (Do I need to configure the environment that the full romp depends on? Or can you use it as a package?)

  2. If I want to retrain my own data set and use weights to reason, should I retrain with ROMP and then store the retrained weights as ROMP.pkl? Using simple_romp to infer?

  3. When I run simple_romp, there are operations to visualize the mesh, but if I want to store the mesh as obj, there don't seem to be any parameters to choose from. What should I do if I want to store the mesh? Is that right to modify But simple_romp seems to be a package. Do I need to go to the site-packages to modify them?

    # show the results during processing image / video, add:

items you want to visualized, including mesh,pj2d,j3d,mesh_bird_view,mesh_side_view,center_conf,rotate_mesh. Please add if you want to see more:


4. If I later want to make some functional changes to romp for my tasks, it seems that the corresponding simple_romp will have to be changed, too?
Arthur151 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your interests in simple-romp.

1.If you only need the inference part, then proper installaton of simple-romp is enough. You don't have to set the full environment for training.

2.Yes, you can use the trained model for simple-romp for inference. Just convert it and properly set the path of used checkpoint.

3.You can get all outputs from including the vertices and faces of mesh. If you modify the code, you just need to do this:

pip uninstall simple-romp
cd /path/to/modified/simple-romp
python install

Then you will use the modified code for inference during calling romp.


lllllialois commented 1 year ago

thank u for ur reply!