Arthur151 / ROMP

Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People and their 3D positions & trajectories in camera & global coordinates. ROMP[ICCV21], BEV[CVPR22], TRACE[CVPR2023]
Apache License 2.0
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eft #78

Open HuiliCui opened 2 years ago

HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing, there are some questions about the dataset.Some datasets, such as coco, LSP, use pseudo 3D annotations. Will you share these pseudo-annotations, such as data/eft_fit/ coco2014-all-ver01.json mentioned in the code

tiangexiang commented 2 years ago

You can have a look at this repo:

HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply. This issue has been resolved. But when I train the model, there was an error like this image Then I check the file /romp/lib/dataset/, I don't know where I should modify to solve this problem. image

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago

This bug may caused by wrong dataset sampling ratio. For instance, if you add / remove the 'dataset' used for training at here. Then you should also change the sampling ratio at here and make them add up to 1. Don't hesitate to post the bugs you meet here.

HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

非常感谢您的耐心回复。现在我用文件中所有的数据进行训练,只修改配置文件中的GPUS: 0,1,2,3 为 GPUS: 0,1。在训练的过程中仍然出现了下图中的问题 image 我认为是因为图片没有被读进去,我输出读入文件的path,会输出几个图片的名称 image 我单独读取图中所示的最后一个图片,是可以正确读入的,所以我不知道问题出在了哪里

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago

请确认一下图片的读取路径是不是对的,我默认是将所有的数据集都放在一个名字叫dataset的文件夹里的, 通过设置 这行,可以改变数据集的位置,对于每个数据集的位置,例如h36m可以修改这行

HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

我已经将h36m.py中的数据集路径改为我保存数据集的绝对路径,但是还是会出现相关的错误,此外我也确认了一下h36m/images 文件夹下有417772张图片

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago


HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

我修改了一下h36m.py中第88行代码 image 现在它可以训起来了

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago

奇怪了,你这不是最新版的代码吧,77行不是已经把图片地址加进去了么。 Anyway, good for you.

HuiliCui commented 2 years ago


Arthur151 commented 2 years ago


HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

我在训练的时候出现了这种问题是为什么呢 image

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago


HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

我对您展示的show_mesh_stand_on_image结果很感兴趣,但是当我运行代码的时候,出现 image 想问您这个Mesh是在哪里定义的呢

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago

这个Mesh是vedo 库的一个类,是在from vedo import *导入的,其实有没有smooth区别不大,去掉也可以。 你可以试着更新一下vedo的版本,可能就没这个问题了

HuiliCui commented 2 years ago

当我运行python -m romp.predict.image --inputs=demo/images --output_dir=demo/image_results --show_mesh_stand_on_image --interactive_vis时,会出现下图的错误,导致出现僵尸进程,想问这是什么原因呢 AL`9ML4RR R}VX1M1 ALN(F

Arthur151 commented 2 years ago

您是在服务器上跑的么?show_mesh_stand_on_image 和 interactive_vis都需要在具有操作桌面的机器上跑才可以,因为可视化渲染需要的一些硬件在服务器这种没有可视化功能的设备上没有。