ArthurHub / Android-Image-Cropper

Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
Apache License 2.0
6.38k stars 1.34k forks source link

Not working in API Level 29 (Android 10) #742

Open SaurabhGaddelpalliwar opened 4 years ago

SaurabhGaddelpalliwar commented 4 years ago

when i capturing the image from camera this cropper in not working in Android 10 and not getting any error . please help me for this type of issue. Please give the update for Android 10

friederikewild commented 4 years ago

Sounds related to this unsolved issue

priyankaandroid commented 4 years ago

@SaurabhGaddelpalliwar Did you find any solution ?

KunalKathrotia commented 4 years ago

try adding android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" in your manifest file. that fixed for me, was happening because of new scoped storage introduced in android 10.

brjichkar commented 4 years ago

try adding android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" in your manifest file. that fixed for me, was happening because of new scoped storage introduced in android 10.

It did not work for me. Still facing the issues on mi A3 and motorola one power

taneshgupta commented 4 years ago

I found a solution to this issue. Try adding this line: Uri imageuri = data.getData();

Add above line in onActivityResult() method and pass imageuri as an argument:

CropImage.activity(imageuri) .setGuidelines(CropImageView.Guidelines.ON) .setAspectRatio(1, 1) .start(this);

joseph-acc commented 4 years ago

@InLearningPhase Which device did you test this with? For me resultCode is always RESULT_CANCLED

Canato commented 3 years ago

please check this

Canato commented 3 years ago


I start a new project to handover this library

The ideia is that we keep improving because this project don’t have updates since 2018 Hope I can count with your help.

Open to contribute, next pieces of work will be Android 11 permissions, refactor into Kotlin and ActivityContract