ArthurSonzogni / Diagon

Interactive ASCII art diagram generators. :star2:
MIT License
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How to create Sequence with multi lines in command-line? #74

Open kth8384 opened 3 months ago

kth8384 commented 3 months ago

Read from file ok.

But make the command in my application, then call _popen, the command string like this "diagon Sequence -style=Unicode -- \"Renderer -> Browser: BeginNavigation()\" -- \"Browser -> Network: URLRequest()\" -- \"Browser <- Network: URLResponse()\" -- \"Browser <- Network: URLResponse()\" -- \"Renderer <- Browser: CommitNavigation()\" -- \"Renderer -> Browser: DidCommitNavigation()\"", cannot work?

How to make the command string?

ArthurSonzogni commented 3 months ago

Hi! The documentation says:

    * command_line: diagon Math -- 1+1/2
    * file        : diagon Math < filename
    * stdin       : diagon Math

So, you are missing the -- before your command line string.

You can try:

diagon Sequence -- "
  Browser -> Network: URLRequest() 
  Browser <- Network: URLResponse() 
  Browser <- Network: URLResponse() 
  Renderer <- Browser: CommitNavigation() 
  Renderer -> Browser: DidCommitNavigation()

or with a file inputed using <<EOF

diagon Sequence <<EOF
  Browser -> Network: URLRequest() 
  Browser <- Network: URLResponse() 
  Browser <- Network: URLResponse() 
  Renderer <- Browser: CommitNavigation() 
  Renderer -> Browser: DidCommitNavigation()


┌───────┐     ┌───────┐┌────────┐
│Browser│     │Network││Renderer│
└───┬───┘     └───┬───┘└───┬────┘
    │             │        │     
    │URLRequest() │        │     
    │────────────>│        │     
    │             │        │     
    │URLResponse()│        │     
    │<────────────│        │     
    │             │        │     
    │URLResponse()│        │     
    │<────────────│        │     
    │             │        │     
    │  CommitNavigation()  │     
    │             │        │     
    │DidCommitNavigation() │     
┌───┴───┐     ┌───┴───┐┌───┴────┐
│Browser│     │Network││Renderer│
└───────┘     └───────┘└────────┘
kth8384 commented 3 months ago

the -- aren't missing.

Thank you very much! Can you help me to check my source? I have try my best but cann't find the error of my program.


void cmdSystem(const std::string& cmd) { system(cmd.c_str()); }

if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)

std::string cmdPopen(const std::string& cmd) { char buffer[1024] = { '\0' }; FILE* pf = NULL; pf = _popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"); if (NULL == pf) { std::cout << "open pipe failed" << std::endl; return std::string(""); } std::string ret; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pf)) { ret += buffer; } _pclose(pf); return ret; }


void cmdPopen(const char cmd, char result) { char buf_ps[1024]; char ps[1024] { 0 }; FILE *pf; strcpy(ps, cmd); if ((pf = popen(ps, "r")) != NULL) { while (fgets(buf_ps, 1024, pf) != NULL) { // every line of output //std::cout << buf_ps << std::endl; std::cout<< buf_ps<< std::endl; strcat(result, buf_ps); if (strlen(result) > 1024) break; } pclose(pf); pf = NULL; } else { std::cout << "popen " << ps << " error" << std::endl; } }


if 1

int main() { //std::string cmdLine(R"("echo Hello, World!")");

std::string cmdLine = "diagon Sequence -style=Ascii -- \"";
cmdLine.append("    Renderer -> Browser: BeginNavigation()\n");
cmdLine.append("    Browser -> Network: URLRequest()\n");
cmdLine.append("    Browser <- Network: URLResponse()\n");
cmdLine.append("    Browser <- Network: URLResponse()\n");
cmdLine.append("    Renderer <- Browser: CommitNavigation()\n");
cmdLine.append("    Renderer -> Browser: DidCommitNavigation()\n");

//cmdLine = { R"AAA(diagon Sequence < "seq.txt" )AAA" };

//cmdSystem("chcp 936");    // no return value
cmdSystem("chcp 65001");    // no return value
std::string result = cmdPopen(cmdLine);
std::cout << result << std::endl;


return 0;




the result is

` Active code page: 65001 ┌────────┐ ┌───────┐ │Renderer│ │Browser│ └───┬────┘ └───┬───┘ │ │ │BeginNavigation()│ │────────────────>│ ┌───┴────┐ ┌───┴───┐ │Renderer│ │Browser│ └────────┘ └───────┘

Press any key to continue . . .
