Artica2012 / VirtualGM

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Feature request: OSE support #334

Open altaica opened 1 year ago

altaica commented 1 year ago

Preface: I've titled this specifically OSE, but what I mean is B/X-based OSR systems. Which is a lot. The reasons I've picked OSE are a) its popularity; b) its closeness to B/X; and c) Ascending Armour Class. There's a reason virtually every system uses AAC, and it's because it's simply more intuitive for the majority of players. And I suspect it makes it easier to write a bot for.

Now, onto my wish list:

I'm sure others will come up with more.

Artica2012 commented 1 year ago

I am not familiar with the system. If you supplied some documentation, I can take a look, or if you wanted to make a branch/fork and build it yourself, I can walk you through the modular code.

altaica commented 1 year ago

Apologies, the SRD is here:

LonePaladin commented 1 year ago

One thing that would be helpful is the ability to create macros that look for fixed numbers, like when you add (for instance) "t12" to a d20 roll, it gives you a thumbs-up response if you roll a 12 or higher. OSE has five types of saving throws, and the target numbers are fixed by your class and level (for instance, a 4th-level fighter needs a 10 to save against poison). There might be situational modifiers but those can be applied at the time the macro is run.

Because OSE only has seven classes, and you can't change or combine them, it might be possible to set up macros that read a character's class and level, and creates macros for their attack rolls and saving throws. But I don't know if other old-school variants might change those numbers up or handle them with different mechanics.

Artica2012 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the SRD and the input. I will definitely take a look at it, but I can't give any timeframes unfortunately. It's just me working on it, and I have a few other things currently cooking. But I will definitely look into the feasibility of all of this and get to it when I can.