ArticySoftware / Articy3ImporterForUnreal

Articy Importer plugin for the Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5 (work in progress).
MIT License
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UE5 Widget fails to find .articyue4 in /Content/ #76

Open kroaton opened 1 year ago

kroaton commented 1 year ago

The importer fails to find the .articyue4 in a /Content/ folder. I've tested with two projects, followed the guide from the Readme, I still get this behaviour.


Repro: 1) Make a new C++ TPS project on UE5.1.1 2) Install the "Unreal Importer 1.6.0" plugin to /Plugins/ 3) Add ArticyRuntime to your Build.cs, build the project, Activate the Articy Plugin, disable HotReload like in the guide. 4) Open the Maniac Manfred project in the Articy 3 FREE version (I'm testing with Steam) 5) Export for Unreal to \YourTPSProject\Content\ 6) In UE5.1.1 get prompted to import 55 changes, import them. 7) Try to use the Widget and fail. 8) Notice that the .articyue4 exists in /Content/


This is where all of this is handled: image

Any help would be very useful as we are looking to test Articy integration before buying a multi-user subscription.

Thank you!

yuriwally commented 1 year ago

I'm really worried about whether I should buy this tool... I'm having the same problem, and I noticed that the bug has been reported for 3 weeks with no response.

ConningReality commented 1 year ago

I was having a similar issue earlier today, but managed to fix it by:

  1. Deleting the articy UAsset in the content folder
  2. Disabling both HotReload as well as Live Coding (for the duration of doing this, at least)
  3. If your project wasn't already a C++ project, create a new C++ class (such as an actor)
  4. Open your project in your IDE/Code Editor (VSCode in my case)
  5. Save and close the Unreal Editor, but not the IDE/Code Editor
  6. Go to the file location your project is at and remove all articy content (the .articyue4 file, the folder in /Content called /ArticyContent and the folder ArticyGenerated in /Source/ProjectName)
  7. Make sure that your has "ArticyRuntime" in PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange
  8. In your IDE/Code Editor, build the project by first doing "[Project Name]Editor Win64 Development Clean" and then "[Project Name]Editor Win64 Development Build" (specifically using the Editor version of builds seemed to resolve the issue for me, apparently some issue related to UE5 live coding from what I found?)
  9. Open the project back up in the UE editor
  10. Export from Articy Draft into the Content folder of your project
  11. Hit Unreal's import button when it appears

Trying to use the widget to re-import still seems to not be working, however doing the above did manage to get an articy project in and useable. I don't imagine this being a viable solution once you have a project already hooked in however, and hopefully it will be resolved soon.

ConningReality commented 1 year ago

Hmm, exporting the project again into the one that's already there seems to work for re-importing (Unreal will notice the change and ask if you'd like to import), but it seems you can also manually import content by right clicking in the shelf of the content browser and choosing the import option and just manually selecting the .articyue4 file.

So this might serve as a temporary alternate for using the widget.