ArtifexSoftware / Ghostscript.NET

Ghostscript.NET - managed wrapper around the Ghostscript library (32-bit & 64-bit)
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Is it possible to print user controls with ghostscript? #100

Open ComptonAlvaro opened 2 years ago

ComptonAlvaro commented 2 years ago

Until now, to print a user control to PDF I create a fixed document, a fixed page and I add the user control to the page. Then I call the print dialog to select the printer.

The problem is that if the use control has an image as backgruound, the Microsoft to PDF printer doesn't work, I get an empty page. So I was wondering if it is possible to use GhostScript to print user controls.

I look the examples, but I am not sure how I could print a user control.

The code that I am using until now is the following:

private void Imprimir() { ControlUsuarioParaImprimir miControlUsuarioParaImprimir = new ControlUsuarioParaImprimir();

        FixedDocument miDocumento = new FixedDocument();

        miControlUsuarioParaImprimir.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
        miControlUsuarioParaImprimir.Arrange(new Rect(miControlUsuarioParaImprimir.DesiredSize));

        Size miTamañoPagina = new Size(miControlUsuarioParaImprimir.ActualWidth, miControlUsuarioParaImprimir.ActualHeight);

        FixedPage miPagina1 = new FixedPage();
        miPagina1.Width = miTamañoPagina.Width;
        miPagina1.Height = miTamañoPagina.Height;

        PageContent miContenido1 = new PageContent();


      //From here, coud I use GhostScript to print my fixed document???

        System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog myDialog = new System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog();

        if (myDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                //Print the image.
                myDialog.PrintDocument(miDocumento.DocumentPaginator, string.Empty);
                //@#MEJORAR: realmente una librería nunca debería tener un messagebox. Se tiene que lanzar una excepción.
                MessageBox.Show("El documento no se ha podido crear.\r\n\r\n"
                    + "Si está abierto y se está intentando sobreescribir, se recomienda cerrar el documento antes"
                    + " de imprimirlo.");
