Artikash / Textractor

Extracts text from video games and visual novels. Highly extensible.
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Searched hook not returning the beginning of sentences (persists after using FAQ's way to solve) - VN: Jakou no Lyla Third Night (PC, trial ver.) #1159

Closed WanderinExoplanet closed 10 months ago

WanderinExoplanet commented 10 months ago

Hello Artikash/everyone,

First of all, I do hope I'm doing things right - I've looked into the FAQ before making this submission but if there is something wrong with this message, definitely feel free to let me know. (I'm making this post in hopes of finding a solution to my specific issue, sure, but also in case you need to garner info on which VNs do and do not work with Textractor in its current state. Please note that I haven't been using Textractor for long and am not using it to the fullest of its capacities yet (Regex filters, extensions and such could be better exploited). I may not be using the correct terminology for some of its functions or components but tried my best to be understandable nonetheless. Feel free to correct me or ask for more info if needed!


I'm encountering issues in having Textractor hook the PC version of Jakou no Lyla. More precisely, the version I was testing is the trial version of the volume called Third Night - Arabian Night/第三夜 アラビアン・ナイト , as downloaded here: (dl link is behind the third picture) This is the dev's official website, so the file should be structurally sound. Game installation went fine too, and Textractor -x86, admin mode- recognizes the game when using the 'Attach to game' function -, returning a decent number of hooks, even though nothing corresponds to the game text proper. I was able to find hooks tracking pop-up 'insert your name'-type menus in Textractor's dropdown list, but nothing that would track narration or dialogue in the game proper.

1/ Brute force hook searching (Search for hooks > Start hook search) :

Having realized that none of the available hooks could be used, my first attempt at a solution was to brute force search for new hooks - I ran several searches (using the default search setting and both 30-second and 300-second time windows) while clicking around in-game to have it process text, but while the searches were operational, went without a hitch and concluded with no crashes or errors, they didn't return a single line of usable game text. There were a lot of missing/garbled characters in several languages and results that were just filepaths and the like in the generated search results file, but not one line that could correspond to the right hook. Having more curiosity than sense, I tried adding one or two of them to Textractor to see what stuck, which only resulted in Textractor freezing and me having to ctrl/alt/del out of the current session.

2a/ Text-based hook searching (Search for hooks > Search for specific text) :

Since Step One was a dud, I looked into finding hooks via text search. The first search returned an error message – but it was probably only due to me not knowing what I was doing and botching the process since any other searches afterward went fine. They resulted in hooks 'Search' being added to the list, among which some were usable. I rejoiced for a bit. However playing the game had me soon realizing that the generated sentences were often incomplete – most are missing two or three characters, but at time it goes up to an entire segment. (See attached screenshot nb.1 – the entire first sentence seems to be missing there. Please disregard the very approximate translation quality – I've kept the default Gtranslate plugin and am using Deepl in-browser for now.)

I figured that what was causing the issue was that I'd been using a dialogue fragment as my sample – without including the initial , while the text-based searching guide specified to type the 'beginning' of a sentence in the search field. However, subsequent tries including the 「 in searched dialogue, as well as using non-dialogue as a sample, resulted in similar outputs. (See attached screenshot nb.2. ここ as well as the two initial ー are missing.

Note that the issue only applies to the beginning part of any text unit outputted ie individual text block, and not individual lines/sentences, even if said lines appeared to have been separated by line breaks in Textractor's display window. Funnily enough, it doesn't seem to apply to some dialogue lines, for whom even is tracked correctly. Still, I'd say that it the issue has appeared to some degree in roughly two-thirds of the lines I've processed. Closing and relaunching Textractor, detaching/reattaching the games and searching for new hooks using all kinds of text samples kept yielding the same result.

2b/ Text-based hook searching, No Extensions edition

This being inconclusive, I tried redoing the same steps while removing the Remove Repeated Phrases and Remove Repeated Characters extensions, as specified in '' Sadly, however, it didn't seem to change anything – the issue remains. (see attached screenshot nb.3 for my current extension list/order)


Additional info, in case it's needed.

That's about the gist of it! I've included everything I can think of. I'd be pretty grateful if any of you had either a solution to this issue, any idea of a hook code I could use, or, failing that, would be willing to try to hook the game yourselves, so that I know whether the issue has to do with my own environment/computer/settings somehow. If nothing else, this might provide you with more data to use. Thank you very much for your time should you attempt to help!

PS: I know that Artikash has said in the FAQ that he would not be working on Textractor much anymore, but should he or any of the people who contributed to Textractor in any way happen to read this post, I also wanted to thank you for your work! Issue or no issues, I have been having lots of fun with the software, both because of the games it gives access to and outside of games, by simply fiddling around and discovering what it can and cannot do. I hugely appreciate how lean, easy to grasp and to-the-point its interface has been, all the while seeming to allow for a lot of refining and further customization. It's really been a blast to use so far and I look forward to learning more about it. :)




Blu3train commented 10 months ago

Try the new texthook.dll you find in "Alpha build archive" issue. Implemented Otome engine hook image

WanderinExoplanet commented 10 months ago

This worked like a charm – thank you so much! To the point where I'm kind of floored at how quickly and efficiently the Otome engine hook did the job. I also appreciate the new text wrapping and character name display. Not having those features before didn't prevent me from playing but wow, does it work wonders on reading flow.

I've attached the upgraded version of what was screenshot nb.1 in my previous post for comparison, but there are no more problems on my end. Thanks again for chiming in so fast and pinpointing the issue so accurately, much appreciated!
