Open zeexceed12 opened 3 years ago
This one almost seems as InsertArtemis2Hook()
005FB180 | 55 | push ebp |
005FB181 | 8BEC | mov ebp,esp | missing
005FB183 | 6A FF | push FFFFFFFF |
005FB185 | 68 B80E6D00 | push osananazimi_no_irukurashi.6D0EB8 |
005FB18A | 64:A1 00000000 | mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0] |
005FB190 | 50 | push eax |
005FB191 | 83EC 20 | sub esp,20 |
005FB194 | A1 6CE08600 | mov eax,dword ptr ds:[86E06C] |
005FB199 | 33C5 | xor eax,ebp | xor eax,esp
005FB19B | 8945 F0 | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],eax | mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],eax
005FB19E | 53 | push ebx |
005FB19F | 56 | push esi |
005FB1A0 | 57 | push edi |
005FB1A1 | 50 | push eax | diff
005FB1A2 | 8D45 F4 | lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C] | diff
005FB1A5 | 64:A3 00000000 | mov dword ptr fs:[0],eax |
005FB1AB | 8BF1 | mov esi,ecx |
005FB1AD | 8B5D 08 | mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] |
005FB1B0 | 8B4D 0C | mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C] |
Try use this code HVN4@1FB180:Osananazimi_No_Irukurashi.exe
Found another code on fandom /HW8:14@1D1320:Osananazimi_No_Irukurashi.exe
^ ^
005D1320 | 55 | push ebp |
005D1321 | 8BEC | mov ebp,esp |
005D1323 | 6A FF | push FFFFFFFF |
005D1325 | 68 90C96D00 | push osananazimi_no_irukurashi.6DC990 |
005D132A | 64:A1 00000000 | mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0] |
005D1330 | 50 | push eax |
005D1331 | 81EC 3C010000 | sub esp,13C |
005D1337 | A1 6CE08600 | mov eax,dword ptr ds:[86E06C] |
005D133C | 33C5 | xor eax,ebp |
005D133E | 8945 F0 | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],eax |
005D1341 | 53 | push ebx |
005D1342 | 56 | push esi |
005D1343 | 57 | push edi |
005D1344 | 50 | push eax |
005D1345 | 8D45 F4 | lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C] |
I already used new version textractor but the game still cannot be hooked, but the other game still normal