Artillex-Studios / AxGraves

A lightweight grave (death chest) plugin focused on performance & compatbility
MIT License
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Request: Soulbind plugins compatibility #1

Closed OhRetro closed 7 months ago

OhRetro commented 7 months ago

### Example: An item have a custom NBT tag of "soulbound" or "blacklisted", and if it does have the tag it gets deleted from the grave.


This can avoid the issue of duping items, I have a soul bind "enchantment" plugin on my server and I quickly discover that I could dupe items that have been Soul bound


Please make it as an option that the graves last infinitely, so that way users who want it to last "infinitely" don't put a huge number

BenceX100 commented 7 months ago

Which plugin is causing the dupes? Maybe it would be possible to fix it

OhRetro commented 7 months ago

This one,

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Have the itemsoulbind.keepondeath perm node
  2. Bind any item using /binditem
  3. Die
  4. Go to grave and find you have a second identical item while the original is on your inventory
OhRetro commented 7 months ago

Which plugin is causing the dupes? Maybe it would be possible to fix it


BenceX100 commented 7 months ago

Try v1.3.0

OhRetro commented 7 months ago

Works perfectly! 👍