Artillex-Studios / AxGraves

A lightweight grave (death chest) plugin focused on performance & compatbility
MIT License
11 stars 2 forks source link

Console WARN deprecated event. #18

Closed illyrius666 closed 1 month ago

illyrius666 commented 1 month ago

24.05 12:20:50 [Server] [WARN] [AxGraves] "AxGraves v1.11.1" has registered a listener for com.destroystokyo.paper.event.brigadier.CommandRegisteredEvent on method "public void com.artillexstudios.axgraves.libs.lamp.bukkit.brigadier.PaperCommodore$CommandRegisterListener.onCommandRegistered(com.destroystokyo.paper.event.brigadier.CommandRegisteredEvent<?>)", but the event is Deprecated. "This event has been superseded by the Commands API and will be removed in a future release. Listen to LifecycleEvents.COMMANDS instead."; please notify the authors [].