Yesterday during the quiz I was able to access AWS and then connect to my instance through EC2; CSP-Quiz-331. Then, in the new terminal, I installed docker and created a deployments folder, ending with creating a curl.
After this, I cloned cspquizbackend into the deployments folder I created in my instance. Following this, I created a subdomain in the through Route 53. Then I finalized the creation of my record in the hosted zones called
Finally, I began configuring nginx for my site. I created a new file with nano and added the script, configured to my port, 8087, under ArushiDeploymentQuiz. Then, I ran into an issue on "Step 5: Activate configuration by linking the file to the active site directory." I could not solve the issue before time ran up, therefore I could not deploy. But, the issue I believe was given because somewhere the code still had "----" instead of my port number "8087." I checked all my files and could not see where it was mislocated, even had Mr.Lopez help me. I had faced this issue earlier when I tried installing docker, and that was when I changed everything to my port number. However, it gave me the same issue at this final step.
Yesterday during the quiz I was able to access AWS and then connect to my instance through EC2; CSP-Quiz-331. Then, in the new terminal, I installed docker and created a deployments folder, ending with creating a curl.
After this, I cloned cspquizbackend into the deployments folder I created in my instance. Following this, I created a subdomain in the through Route 53. Then I finalized the creation of my record in the hosted zones called
Finally, I began configuring nginx for my site. I created a new file with nano and added the script, configured to my port, 8087, under ArushiDeploymentQuiz. Then, I ran into an issue on "Step 5: Activate configuration by linking the file to the active site directory." I could not solve the issue before time ran up, therefore I could not deploy. But, the issue I believe was given because somewhere the code still had "----" instead of my port number "8087." I checked all my files and could not see where it was mislocated, even had Mr.Lopez help me. I had faced this issue earlier when I tried installing docker, and that was when I changed everything to my port number. However, it gave me the same issue at this final step.