ArveVM / MyAssistedHome

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mylocation sesnsor questions #115

Closed johntdyer closed 1 month ago

johntdyer commented 4 months ago

I noticed several sensors prefaced w/ "mylocation".... is that from an integration or just your naming convention ?

johntdyer commented 1 month ago

hey there, just wanted to check in again and see if you could tell me which integration this sensor uses?

ArveVM commented 1 month ago

Hi John Sorry for not replying sooner,, a bit busy at new job this year - so no time for fun HA-stuff ;)

The mylocation is a naming convention,, did not want to share home location name in config (since it is shared) and wanted something different from "home",,

The sensors are provided by the met-integration for me, but there are several other weather providers -so choose one with good data for your area/country