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unRaid improvement - system-disk #31

Closed ArveVM closed 1 year ago

ArveVM commented 1 year ago

ensure data on vm-ssd is not used erase/clean disk

move system-folder to separate ssd

Seems like i have to shutdown docker-service to perform this,, so awaiting suitable maintenance window ;)

ArveVM commented 1 year ago

yeah,, also reconfigure the frigate-config for new type cpu :)

ArveVM commented 1 year ago


  1. created new cashe-pool,
  2. configured appdata-, system- and domains- shares to use image
  3. Stop docker (settings/docker/enableDocker=NO)

Move to Array:

  1. start Mover (main-tab: move-button at the bottom)
  2. wait unitil mover is finished


  1. re-configured appdata-, system- and domains- shares to use "Prefer" image
  2. start Mover (main-tab: move-button at the bottom)
  3. wait unitil mover is finished


  1. Enable Docker (reverse step-3)


  1. use Dynamix File Manager to verify that the original share is empty
    • i experienced there where quite a few of the folder-structures that was not deleted,, but there was no actual files in them
    • it might been some "linux-permission-issues" that is way above my cometency-level :)


  1. Use Dynamix File Manager and go to \user\appdata and verify that location is only the new preferred cashe-drive
  2. if not - repeat step-10 :)


ArveVM commented 1 year ago


kvifor vert det liggande igjen filer/foldere etter move-operasjonen som er beskreve over??? Merkelig,, men er det berre "linux-permissions" som er slik???
er det heilt 100% trygt å slette???

ArveVM commented 1 year ago

ordered new data-drive and cashe-drive,,, to small download-cashe with only 120gb

ArveVM commented 1 year ago

checked with the experts,, nothing to worry about