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Request to move from ESLint + Prettier to BiomeJS for a unified formatting and linting approach #30

Open AiSirachcha21 opened 3 months ago

AiSirachcha21 commented 3 months ago

I know the project isn't a huge thing but that doesn't mean it can't stand to benefit from a few nice to haves.


Maintaining and dealing with multiple configurations for ESLint and Prettier tends to be tedious and time consuming despite the wide popularity of the 2 tools.

As complexity and the project size grows, there are well known reports that ESLInt and especially Prettier tend to slow down as more files need to be considered during the linting and formatting process. This is a well known issue and is a major reason why a lot of bigger applications tend to have the auto formatting turned off.

Additionally, having to install multiple packages to add on to ESLint's default configuration tends to be a pain to manage especially when rules need to be updated.


In my experience using Biome so far, it's streamlined a lot of this for me. 1 package for most things ESLint does and a formatter and linter in the same tool. Adding on to this the tool is light, fast and extremely easy to setup with an emphasis on a great developer experience when working with it.

An extension for biome exists on VSCode (as biomejs.biome) and is a great and light companion.

A full breakdown on the ESLint + Prettier comparison to Biome's configuration can be seen at

AiSirachcha21 commented 3 months ago

I'm willing (and already have a branch created that will set this in place)