Seeing an issue in Web GL build URP Unity 2022.2.4f1
In editor everything is fine (once we sort the shader issue regarding output.uv
In builds however the outline effect only ever applies to the world Z forward faces
In the image above we have 2 outlines applied by layer, the blue and the white they have the same basic settings aside which layer they are on and are used for a mouse over vs select
This as noted works perfectly fine in editor and in windows builds but isn't playing nice in the Web GL Build
Seeing an issue in Web GL build URP Unity 2022.2.4f1
In editor everything is fine (once we sort the shader issue regarding output.uv
In builds however the outline effect only ever applies to the world Z forward faces In the image above we have 2 outlines applied by layer, the blue and the white they have the same basic settings aside which layer they are on and are used for a mouse over vs select
This as noted works perfectly fine in editor and in windows builds but isn't playing nice in the Web GL Build