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PRP Plot GM Clue Sharing #123

Open Nynrose opened 5 years ago

Nynrose commented 5 years ago

This was originally submitted as Request 14630 - and it was requested I post it to the feature requests instead:

I ran plot 274 - for the Inquisition, and as part of the plot Apostate attached some lore to the plot to be given to the players when they discovered it through the course of the GM'd session. That lore was @clue 157 - which I did not have access to at the time, as he did not give me the clue. When running the plot, I assumed that I'd be able to use '+prpclue/sendclue 157=Player List' to the players, since the clue was tied of the plot, but instead I got the error:

No clue found by that ID.

I requested soon after and Apostate gave me the clue as a result of the request, and I tried to use the command again - expecting it to work, and got the same error. In order to make sure the players got the clue as part of the plot device it was meant to be, I spent my own AP in order to make sure they could receive the clue. I am not asking for this AP to be refunded, but I am asking that a system be devised for lore attached to plots by staff to be given out to players on an associated plot, whether that be an upgrade to +prprclue/sendclue or through a related plots command. This way GMs won't need to have the clue on their character if there isn't an IC reason for them to need to know the information, and players can still get their juicy plot lore goodness.

Possibly consider allowing someone tagged as a GM on a PRP event on the @cal to send a Staff created clue to to players on a plot they are associated with, whether or not they possess that clue, if the clue is tagged to a plot, and if considered necessary, check the +prpclue/sendclue against the list of the players who are on the plot to make sure clue sharing in this manner is limited to those actively participating in the plot. Since the other bugs with +prpclue were fixed for player created clues, I haven't had problems sending those out. In this case, it was a problem with a Staff created clue.

A further suggestion to help with this would be allow the Plot # to be linked to an @cal event prior to the creation of a beat - to make it make sure the Send Clue option for GMs is limited to only the GM associated on the plot and the players listed in the Plot #. Ideally, this would only be for staff generated clues during the RP event in question, and not new lore/clues created by player GMs for their plots. I am guilty of writing some revelations/clues after the the RP event has occurred due to lack of time or lack of creative process at the time, and instead putting placeholders in like - yay, you found a journal - until I can get things further plotted out and written; especially when it's a multi-part plot.


Lou creates a new @cal follow up event. She tags it to plot 274 in the @cal creation process. She's listed as GM for the plot event. Staff attaches a new clue to Plot 274 - which Lou does not possess. However, as she is both GM of the @cal event, and listed as a player in Plot 274, she can use +prpclue/sendclue NewClue#=List of Players to players listed in Plot 274 as Main Cast - Extras who are ALSO present during the RP event while the RP Event Log is running - like with @rs/claim for GMs. GMs cannot be claimed after the log has ended, so +prpclue/sendclue sharing for staff created clues attached to a plot should also end when the log has ended as well.

I hope that didn't sound so confusing! Mostly, I'm trying to figure out a way to limit abuse, while also giving Player GMs the tools they need to run things if staff attaches lore to a plot to be given out to others.

TehomCD commented 5 years ago

Probably related to #51 - @Tanookami (NV) was thinking about different plot/flashback extensions, so I'll point this out to her.