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Making Petitions great #80

Open Zironic opened 5 years ago

Zironic commented 5 years ago

Reading the MSB thread there seems to be a lot of people that want to get use of petitions but arn't.

The biggest issue appears to be one of visibility. There's no notification when new petitions are added or old petitions are updated and old petitions often lie around stale in a way that makes people unsure if they're still meant to be relevant or not. I think this could be improved in a few ways.

1.1) All players should be notified of unread/new petitions the same way they do with subscribed bbposts 1.2) This should be something you can toggle off if you don't want the notifications 1.3) Petitions could get categories so you can choose which categories to get notifications about 2) Petitions should be coloured/marked based on if they have been read or not. 3.1) Petitions should be coloured/marked based on how long time it was since they were updated. 3.2) Petition owners should be able to make a stale petition look new again by updating it 4) Petitions should be sorted by last update rather then ID

TehomCD commented 5 years ago

These all sound good to me. Probably add a date created field to PetitionPost and then a last modified/updated field to Petition. The categories idea is great - not sure if those should use existing Tag or SearchTag or be something distinct. PetitionParticipation could get a boolean field for wanting notifications, and let people toggle them off on a per-petition basis, or set it initially based on a setting they have if they globally want to suppress them.

rozzingit commented 5 years ago

I might suggest petitions auto-closing (or maybe, at least, no longer displaying on the petition list) after a certain amount of time with no activity. Maybe an "expired" status (rather than "closed") that the petition owner could hit petition/refresh on to bring it back to life. Because I think there are a lot of petitions that people just post and forget. Or, like, the PC literally gets rostered, goes inactive, etc. (Actually, would be good to auto-close petitions if someone is marked as Gone and maybe auto-expire if they go inactive or back on the roster.) Maybe expired petitions show up on the list for the petition owner but in red (or some other marker for people who don't use colors) just to indicate "this still exists but it's not visible to others." Maybe an automatic @inform just to be like "your petition has expired due to lack of activity, petition/refresh ## to put it back on the petition list, or petition/close ## to close it permanently."

General categories or tags I think would be good: training, patronage (for seeking both patrons and proteges), action (for looking for people who want to join your action), research (investigation help)...there are probably more. That's what I can think of off the top of my head!

wahoo2 commented 5 years ago

Wait, I'm confused, doesn't this just make petitions exactly like an @bb?

TehomCD commented 5 years ago

In some respects, yes. But it's more like a temporary bulletin board owned by a player that's aimed at an organization, with commands for just browsing that subset of bulletin boards. To me it's a little like saying, "isn't tabletalk just sending whispers to multiple people?" Sure, but I feel it's a little easier to use.

krakriksdag commented 5 years ago

I would really, really appreciate if petitions had their submission date visible.