ArxOne / FTP

Simple FTP client
MIT License
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FtpStream.Release will be blocking after Filezilla replied 550 #17

Closed Onway closed 8 years ago

Onway commented 8 years ago
    public void FtpListNoDirectory()
        var ftpTestHost = GetTestHost("ftp");
        using (var ftpClient = new FtpClient(ftpTestHost.Uri, ftpTestHost.Credential))
            var list = ftpClient.ListEntries("/DirectoryNotFound/");

After replied 550, the server would not give the second one, then FtpStream.Release(true) will be blocking.

    protected void Release(bool expectEndReply)
        var session = Session;
        Session = null;
        if (session != null)
                if (expectEndReply)
                    Process(() => session.Expect(
                        226, // default ack
                        150 // if the stream was opened but nothing was sent, then we still shall exit gracefully
            // on long transfers, the command socket may be closed
            // however we need to signal it to client
Onway commented 8 years ago

If I simply add a 550 in var reply = Expect(SendCommand(handle, "LIST", EscapePath(path.ToString())), 125, 150, 425); I received a NullReferenceException in using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(dataStream, ((IFtpStream)dataStream).ProtocolEncoding)) since dataStream has aborted.

More generally, should we Expect unsuccessful reply code? Would it be better if directly throw to user like this:

    // class FtpSession
    public static FtpReply Expect(FtpReply reply, params int[] codes)
        if (!codes.Any(code => code == reply.Code))
            if (reply.Code.Class == FtpReplyCodeClass.Connections)
                throw new IOException();
                throw new UnexcpetedReplyException(reply);
        return reply;

    // in some FtpClient methods
    using (var dataStream = OpenDataStream(handle, FtpTransferMode.Binary))
            Expect(SendCommand(handle, "LIST", EscapePath(path.ToString())), 125, 150);

        // read from dataStream


picrap commented 8 years ago

Thanks for suggestion, I'll take a look at it soon.

picrap commented 8 years ago

Fixed in version 1.6