ArxOne / FTP

Simple FTP client
MIT License
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ArxOne.Ftp.Exceptions.FtpFileException: File error. Code=550 #37

Closed lcnvdl closed 7 years ago

lcnvdl commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the next error: ArxOne.Ftp.Exceptions.FtpFileException: File error. Code=550

But only trying to upload the file Views/ABM/Usuarios.cshtml

Please, See my log:

"Subiendo" = "Uploading"

Subiendo... Subiendo C:\Jenkins.jenkins\jobs\HalleyV3 - Trunk\workspace\HalleyV3.WebSite\Views\Web.config... OK

Carpeta: Views Path: Views//Web.config Subiendo C:\Jenkins.jenkins\jobs\HalleyV3 - Trunk\workspace\HalleyV3.WebSite\Views_ViewStart.cshtml... OK

Carpeta: Views Path: Views//_ViewStart.cshtml Subiendo C:\Jenkins.jenkins\jobs\HalleyV3 - Trunk\workspace\HalleyV3.WebSite\Views\ABM\Usuarios.cshtml... OK

Carpeta: Views Path: Views//ABM/Usuarios.cshtml ArxOne.Ftp.Exceptions.FtpFileException: File error. Code=550 ('Filename invalid') en ArxOne.Ftp.FtpSession.ThrowException(FtpReply reply) en ArxOne.Ftp.FtpClientUtility.ProcessStor(FtpSession session, FtpPath path, FtpTransferMode mode) en ArxOne.Ftp.FtpClientUtility.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.b__0(FtpSession handle) en ArxOne.Ftp.FtpClient.Process[TResult](Func2 action, FtpSession session) en ArxOne.Ftp.FtpClientUtility.Stor(FtpClient ftpClient, FtpPath path, FtpTransferMode mode) en HalleyVersionPublisher.Publicador.CargarGenerico(String carpetaFtp, String directorio, Boolean recursive, String filtro, String filtroRegex, Boolean eliminarViejos, IEnumerable1 extensionesValidas) en c:\Jenkins.jenkins\jobs\Halley V2\workspace\HVP\Publicador.cs:l¡nea 286 en HVP.Parametros.Procesar(String[] args) en c:\Jenkins.jenkins\jobs\Halley V2\workspace\HVP\Parametros.cs:l¡nea 109

picrap commented 7 years ago

Hi, it is a server error code, so it's hard to tell what fails. Maybe is it related to the fact that you have a double forward slash in the path? Or maybe that the ABM subdirectory does not exist and that the server does not allow it?

lcnvdl commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the quick answer. The problem was that the subdirectory doesn't exists. Thanks!