ArxOne / FTP

Simple FTP client
MIT License
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Fixed IO error when mainframe returned code 250 from successful FTP. #51

Closed GooeyRed closed 4 years ago

GooeyRed commented 4 years ago

Code 250 is returned from the mainframe after the "STOR" command is completed by uploading a file.

Since it wasn't listed in the release method that is used when dipose is called, an exception would be thrown that showed there was an IO error even though the mainframe was returning this "250 Transfer completed successfully". (When the FtpPassiveStream was diposed. )

Explains code 250.

Shows that code 250 is used for successful transfers to a mainframe.

picrap commented 4 years ago

Good job, thanks!

picrap commented 4 years ago

Released in 1.41.3 👍 (as soon as Nuget notices there’s a new package)