ArxOne / MrAdvice

.NET aspect weaver (build task under NuGet package)
MIT License
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Error code 1 when project have refference to MrAdvice, but doesn't have any annotations #204

Open jetcar opened 6 months ago

jetcar commented 6 months ago

EXEC : <3>WSL (386) error : UtilGetPpid:1244: Failed to parse: /proc/1/stat, content: 1 (sh) S 0 1 1 0 -1 4194560 656 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 20 0 1 0 2706584 2637824 233 18446744073709551615 93920643526656 93920643603385 140731671165824 0 0 0 0 0 65538 1 0 0 17 5 0 0 0 0 0 93920643632688 93920643637824 93920654692352 140731671166493 140731671166560 140731671166560 140731671166960 0 [/src/WebApiDto/WebApiDto.csproj] /root/.nuget/packages/mradvice/2.15.0/build/MrAdvice.targets(16,3): error MSB3073: The command ""/root/.nuget/packages/mradvice/2.15.0/build/../tools/net6.0/MrAdvice.Weaver.exe" AssemblyPath="obj/Release/WebApiDto.dll" ReferencePath="@obj/Release/WebApiDto.dll.MrAdvice.ReferencePath.txt" ReferenceCopyLocalPaths="@obj/Release/WebApiDto.dll.MrAdvice.LocalReferencePath.txt" AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile="" SignAssembly="false"" exited with code 1. [/src/WebApiDto/WebApiDto.csproj]

removing refference solves the problem

picrap commented 2 months ago

What do you mean by “removing references”? I am not very optimistic whether this can be solved, I have no idea of what happens 🤔

jetcar commented 2 months ago

PackageReference, but i don't remember what exactly were wrong there, probably i have added PackageReference in all projects as i planned to use my tracing everywhere, but then realized that not everywhere it's needed. So if there is nothing todo for MrAdvice if there is no attributes in certain project, then it gave error during build.

picrap commented 2 months ago

I’ll keep that open, with a low priority, then.