Arxcis / adventofcode2020

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Day 17 - Convay cubes complications #115

Closed Arxcis closed 3 years ago

Arxcis commented 3 years ago

Merry christmas 🎄 🎅

I just don't get this day

Rules During a cycle, all cubes simultaneously change their state according to the following rules:


Before any cycles:


After 1 cycle:




My attempt at making sense of it Let's consider z=0 initial state:


And here is me applying the rules for each cell from left to right, top to bottom:

  1. Is inactive and has 1 active neighbor to the right -> remains inactive
  2. Is active and has 1 active neighbor to the bottom right -> turns to inactive
  3. Is inactive and has 2 active neighbors -> remains inactive
  4. Is inactive and has 3 active neighbor -> turns to active
  5. Is inactive and has 4 active neighbors -> remains active
  6. Is active and has 3 active neighbors -> remains active
  7. Is active and has 1 active neighbor -> turns to inactive
  8. Is active and has 3 active neighbors -> remains active
  9. Is active and has 2 active neightbors -> remains active

What I expected z=0 to be after 1 cycle


Example after 1 cycle

After 1 cycle:

What Is going on here? I have been completely stuck on this task for several days because I don't get it.

hypirion commented 3 years ago

Each cube only ever considers its neighbors: any of the 26 other cubes where any of their coordinates differ by at most 1.

So for t=0, given we start with this at z=0:


Assuming no active for z != 0, then the one at the center of this piece:


has 3/28 active neighbours, and turns active.

This one


Has 3/28 active neighbours, and stays active.

This one


Has only 2/28 active neighbours, but stays active, as it already was active.

The entire grid for z=0 at t=1 then becomes


Notice the shift in location, the example in the text doesn't add the padding around that I've done here.

Arxcis commented 3 years ago

Aha! I was stuck with a 3x3 mindset. The solution for me, which you presented clearly @hypirion - thank you very much, is that I had to think 5x5 from the begnning.

I had a mistake in my initial explanation above, which I have corrected now, which makes it more obvious that the example has shifted it's view one step down. I was not thinking outside the box enough 😅


What I expect z=0 to be after 1 cycle


Example after 1 cycle

After 1 cycle: