Aryan20 / Logomenu

Quick access menu for the GNOME panel with options that help ease the workflow for newcomers and power users alike.
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Improve German translation strings #62

Closed luelista closed 4 months ago

Aryan20 commented 5 months ago

Hey, I deeply regret it took so long to reply. I thought I replied but apparently didn't. It looks great, but I have one query. The old strings are termed as "German" by Google Translate, but yours are termed as "Luxembourgish". Why is that? And if they are separate enough, can you create a separate file for this language instead?

luelista commented 5 months ago

I have no idea why google translate thinks that, I don't speak Luxembourgish and actually don't really know what it is.

Some of my changes just fix straight up spelling mistakes ("Programme Übersicht" -> "Programmübersicht", "Icon Einstellungen" -> "Iconeinstellungen"). The rest either adds new translations (into German, not Luxembourish, pinky promise :D) or changes "GNOME Software" to "Software-Center" to make it consistent with the English version.

Aryan20 commented 5 months ago

Haha okay, merging on the basis of "Pinky promise" lol. Thanks :D