Aryan20 / Logomenu

Quick access menu for the GNOME panel with options that help ease the workflow for newcomers and power users alike.
GNU General Public License v2.0
51 stars 31 forks source link

Is it possible to add icons to each of the options in the menu? #71

Closed Meemonomon closed 3 months ago

Meemonomon commented 3 months ago

The icons for each function of the menu can be visually appealing and convenient.


Aryan20 commented 3 months ago

Hi! Adding the icons might not be the best solution, especially for downstream forks of the menu, as maintaining them is hard. The icon names also change sometimes. Adding icons might require us to create custom icons, which I don't have the resources for. Using generic online ones won't fit well with the polish I want. And last but not least, I personally love the clean menu look which fits quite well with other menus on GNOME.