As1imwe-Mark / LeaderBoard

LeaderBoard is a project under microverse Module 2 block 2 aimed at testing my understanding of ES6 syntax, modules, APIs, gitflow and webpack. This app takes and stores scores of different players playing a game.
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Added the LeaderBoard setUp markUp, styles and Javascript #1

Closed As1imwe-Mark closed 11 months ago

As1imwe-Mark commented 11 months ago

I added the leaderBoard markup styles and javaScript. I used gitflow, ES6 modules and webpack to do this project following the project requirements.

Project requirements IMPORTANT NOTE This is the first time you will use Gitflow. Keep that in mind! Create an npm project with webpack. (If you need a refresher, check the previous project or webpack exercise). Write plain HTML markup with minimum styling (just to make the layout), because you will implement styles in the following steps. Use this wireframe as a guide: Don't make API calls (you'll do it in a following lesson). Use ES6 modules, with import and export.