AsBuiltReport / AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass

Repository for AsBuiltReport Aruba ClearPass module
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

Empty report #10

Closed yuke1922 closed 5 months ago

yuke1922 commented 5 months ago

Running against a 6.12.0 cluster

No errors in this log but report shows up empty. Enter a name for the As Built Report configuration file [AsBuiltReport]: Enter the path to save the As Built Report configuration file [C:\Users\Luke.McCormick\AsBuiltReport]: VERBOSE: Saving As Built Report configuration file 'AsBuiltReport.json' to path 'C:\Users\Luke.McCormick\AsBuiltReport'. VERBOSE: Config.Report.Author = Luke.McCormick VERBOSE: Config.UserFolder.Path = C:\Users\Luke.McCormick\AsBuiltReport VERBOSE: Config.Company.FullName = VERBOSE: Config.Company.Contact = VERBOSE: Config.Company.Phone = VERBOSE: Config.Company.Email = VERBOSE: Config.Company.ShortName = VERBOSE: Config.Company.Address = VERBOSE: Config.Email.Port = VERBOSE: Config.Email.Credentials = VERBOSE: Config.Email.Server = VERBOSE: Config.Email.To = VERBOSE: Config.Email.From = VERBOSE: Config.Email.UseSSL = VERBOSE: Config.Email.Body = VERBOSE: Populating RepositorySourceLocation property for module AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass. VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass\0.1.1\AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass.psm1'. VERBOSE: Loading report configuration file from path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass\0.1.1\AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass.json'. VERBOSE: Setting report filename to 'Aruba ClearPass As Built Report - 2024-02-01_13.20.04'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:770 ] [ Document ] - Document 'Aruba ClearPass As Built Report - 2024-02-01_13.20.04' processing started. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:937 ] [ Document ] - Executing report style script from path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass\0.1.1\AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass.Style.ps1'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:952 ] [ Document ] - Setting global document options. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Enabling section/heading numbering. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Setting default font(s) to 'Arial'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Setting page top margin to '25.05'mm. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Setting page right margin to '25.05'mm. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Setting page bottom margin to '25.05'mm. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Setting page left margin to '25.05'mm. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:968 ] [ Document ] - Setting page size to 'A4'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:984 ] [ Document ] - Setting page orientation to 'Portrait'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:984 ] [ Document ] - Setting page height to '297'mm. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:984 ] [ Document ] - Setting page width to '210'mm. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:984 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Title'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:984 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Title2'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:984 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Title3'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:999 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Heading1'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:999 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Heading2'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:999 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Heading3'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:04:999 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Heading4'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:015 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Heading5'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:015 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Normal'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:015 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Caption'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:031 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Header'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:031 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Footer'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:037 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'TOC'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:037 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'TableDefaultHeading'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:037 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'TableDefaultRow'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:037 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Critical'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:037 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Warning'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:053 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'Info'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:053 ] [ Document ] - Setting document style 'OK'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:053 ] [ Document ] - Setting table style 'TableDefault'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:053 ] [ Document ] - Setting table style 'Borderless'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:084 ] [ Document ] - Processing document header started. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:131 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'Aruba ClearPass As Built Report - v1.0'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:177 ] [ Document ] - Processing document header completed. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:193 ] [ Document ] - Processing document footer started. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:193 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'Page <!# PageNumber #!>'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:209 ] [ Document ] - Processing document footer completed. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:224 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:253 ] [ Document ] - Processing image 'AsBuiltReport Logo'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:316 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:316 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'Aruba ClearPass As Built Report'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:331 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:353 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Cover Page'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:369 ] [ Document ] - Processing page break. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:384 ] [ Document ] - Processing table of contents 'Table of Contents'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:384 ] [ Document ] - Processing page break. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:384 ] [ Module ] - Please refer to the AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass GitHub website for more detailed information about this project. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:400 ] [ Module ] - Do not forget to update your report configuration file after each new version release: VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:400 ] [ Module ] - Documentation: VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:400 ] [ Module ] - Issues or bug reporting: VERBOSE: [ 13:20:05:427 ] [ Module ] - AsBuiltReport.Aruba.ClearPass 0.1.1 is currently installed. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:11:459 ] [ Document ] - Connect to : VERBOSE: [ 13:20:11:474 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Implementation Report' started. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:11:490 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section provides a sum[..]'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:11:506 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:11:506 ] [ Document ] - Discovering System settings information from VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:306 ] [ Document ] - Processing section 'Version' started. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:315 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section details Versio[..]'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:323 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:331 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Version'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:377 ] [ Document ] - Processing paragraph 'The following section details Patche[..]'. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:393 ] [ Document ] - Processing blank line. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:393 ] [ Document ] - Processing table 'Patches'. WARNING: [ 13:20:12:409 ] [ Document ] - Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Rows' because it is an empty collection. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:424 ] [ Document ] - Document 'Aruba ClearPass As Built Report - 2024-02-01_13.20.04' processing completed. VERBOSE: [ 13:20:12:440 ] [ Document ] - Total processing time '7.73' seconds.

alagoutte commented 5 months ago

Thanks @yuke1922, there is an issue with 6.x.0 (when there is no patches), it will be fixed soon