AsBuiltReport / AsBuiltReport.Fortinet.FortiGate

Repository for AsBuiltReport Fortinet FortiGate module
MIT License
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Add Connection and FortiCare Info #1

Closed alagoutte closed 2 years ago

alagoutte commented 2 years ago

Add Initial Connection (and Disconnect) using PowerFGT

Display FortiCare info (Status, support, Firmware...)

alagoutte commented 2 years ago

All tables require set columnwidths to improve document readability and formatting. Try and keep column widths consistent where possible. This might take a few attempts to get it looking clean. Try to avoid word wrap of table headings wherever possible by adjusting the columnwidth or using Headers within the TableParams to provide a shortname for the heading.


$TableParams = @{
                        Name = "Disk Specifications - $($VxrHost.hostname)"
                        Headers = 'Encl', 'Slot', 'Serial Number', 'Type', 'Capacity', 'Speed', 'Status', 'Firmware'
                        Columns = 'Enclosure', 'Slot', 'Serial Number', 'Disk Type', 'Capacity', 'Speed', 'Status', 'Firmware'
                        ColumnWidths = 9, 9, 22, 10, 14, 12, 12, 12

Oups... forget this part on the change, i will update my patch

alagoutte commented 2 years ago

@tpcarman it is good ? or missing some stuff ?